View Full Version : Advice needed about 'magical thinking' and stuff

22-01-14, 09:50
I've had anxiety for years and I used to suffer with panic attacks. I've tried to ease it and it does go but comes back.
My main problem is a few OCD symptoms:
magical thinking: I think that if I do something/ don't do something something will happen.
I have these thoughts that something will happen to those I love and I have to do something or they'll die.
My main problem is that every time I have a day off I am anxious thinking my manager/someone will ask me to come in and work. This is what happens sometimes. The problem is I've started to develop rituals or something, I'll stop doing something to prevent it from happening.
I know it's irrational but when they ask me to come in when I don't do this ritual then I belive it.

These symptoms are really making me stop doing normal things. I don't have regular rituals they change e.g. one day I will think shall I have a bar of chocolate and then think if you do work will phone.

Is there any advice or is there any website that can offer self-help tips for this? I'm really stuck and can't talk to those I lvoe about it
feel embarassed

08-02-14, 11:03
I used to have this, the only way to beat it is too face it head on and go against the compulsive ritual, you know deep down its irrational you just need to ignore the ritual once and from then on it will become easier to ignore these compulsions. Just muster all your strength and do it once, then slowly increase the Times you ignore the compulsion. Good luck