View Full Version : Panic

22-01-14, 10:37
Got my blood results back very low vitamin D and low iron also in menopause , I'm in a panic now because of the low iron one of my worries is colon cancer and it's one of the symptoms , I didn't go for my colonoscopy but had sigmoid I said to the doctor if he really thought I needed to go for the colonoscopy I would he said he didn't think I needed it I told him about when I lost some bright red blood the once and he didn't seem worried ...... But why do I have low iron ? My periods have stopped due to menopause so why ??????? I'm so worried now :(

22-01-14, 12:16
Low iron is a common symptom in women reaching menopausal age as is a vitamin D deficiency. Why do you think vitamin companies market formulas specifically for this issue? ;)

Positive thoughts

22-01-14, 20:15
Just have it in my head that I'm bleeding inside trying to get it out of my head but dr Google keeps telling me low iron is that *sigh*