View Full Version : Really struggling.

22-01-14, 14:25
Hi again.

I am sorry to post about this again but I'm finding this really hard. I've become really worried about my heart after some pain I had last week. After reading a lot about heart pain I'm not sure it it was heart related pain as it wasn't the centre of the chest and it worsened then faded with rubbing the area. I have had similar pains however many months ago but in a different situation. These pains came on after a stressful argument, but again faded with rubbing. Thinking back to when I've had this particular pain, I don't know why it's never bothered me until now. It was always painful and a bit scary at the time, but I never thought, this is your heart. Or maybe I did, but rationally I just put the thought aside. But now I'm fully thinking it was definitely your heart, it was always your heart, and why have I never had this checked. I guess the only good thing is that I had this similar pain probably 6 months ago, maybe longer, and I'm assuming something wouldve happened by now if it was my heart...?

The problem I have now is new symptoms. I feel like I have an achey left arm and a tingly left leg, and some mild chest twinges. And I've been really bad with googling and read all kinds of stuff I wish I could unread. Can anyone relate or help? I'm seeing my doctor on Tuesday but don't know if I can last that long. I keep 'preparing' myself incase I need to go to the a and e, and checking my pulse and trying to watch my chest to monitor my heart rate. I've gone into one badly.
Any help would be really appreciated x

---------- Post added at 14:25 ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 ----------

Anyone? X

22-01-14, 14:37
The heart/chest pain is overly more than likely muscle tension and spasms due to the release of adrenaline (anxiety) in your system. Especially since rubbing it seems to lessen the pain. The tingles and aches are classic anxiety symptoms, and most of us have experienced them at one time or another.

When you see your GP be sure to discuss your anxiety. If you treat your anxiety it is more than likely that your other symptoms will fade away over time. Good you are seeing your GP as it will clear up any questions.....just resolve now to BELIEVE what your GP tells you- and not Dr.Google. :winks:

22-01-14, 17:00
Thank you for replying. I will trust the doctor.
It's weird how I develop new symptoms when I worry about a particular thing. When I was worried about tumours I felt I had ongoing headaches. I've never thought about my head since this new heart worry.
Can you imagine pain?

22-01-14, 17:20
Thank you for replying. I will trust the doctor.
It's weird how I develop new symptoms when I worry about a particular thing. When I was worried about tumours I felt I had ongoing headaches. I've never thought about my head since this new heart worry.
Can you imagine pain?

You've answered your own question ;) The mind is the most powerful organ we have and absolutely you can imagine pain. That's why they call it psychosomatic pain. I remember feeling queasy when my kid's Mom was getting morning sickness. Sympathy pains ;)

Positive thoughts

23-01-14, 10:38
Haha, thanks fishman.

It's the strangest thing! Each time I've had a worry I've developed genuine pain in that area. I feel ridiculous going back to the doctors. The last time I was there it was about my head, and she asked me to go to the opticians, which I never did because I kept putting it off fearing what they might find. Now I'm going back with something completely different! Doesn't help that I haven't seen my psychologist since before Christmas because she's been off sick.
Ahh man.