View Full Version : I really think I have lymphoma

22-01-14, 13:21
Hi all.

Out of all my health anxieties, cancer or anything to do with lumps and bumps hasn't ever worried me in that ive not 'obsessed' over them in the way I do over my heart etc.

However I have a number of symptoms which are all of a sudden (in my head), all pointing towards lymphoma. Ive even watched the nhs video about it and I have the same symptoms :(

Here's my symptoms:
- Really tired since October. 'Jelly legs' - weakness in muscles
- Aching arm constantly (right arm)Pins and needles in the arm and numbness at night.
- Headache at the top right of my forehead
-Lump under tongue. Had a ultrasound the other day and the radiographer said he couldn't see the lump but said muttered something about some lymphy gland type things floating around (his words not mine)
- Lower back pain that has spread up to mid back. Aching and swollen right hip.
- TODAY I have noticed a very tender lump behind my right ear (from looking on dr google it seems its on the bottom of the mastoid bone)
- Have had a lumpy mass under my collar bone on the right side above my breast, a while now. A few months ago I thought it meant breast cancer. They did an US of my breast and said breast was ok. Now though, the mass is painful.
- Choking feeling a lot of the time
- Tinnitus
- Swollen feeling in Right eye, gritty, painful.
- Dizzy
- Palpitations
- Tachycardia

I am so scared. I also found out through my recent smear and cervical biopsy that I have HPV and CIN1. they said don't worry and come back in a year for another smear... but now ive read that HPV can lead to cancers elsewhere....

Have the dr at 245pm today. However, he's been very off with me lately and has been trying NOT to see me, due to my incessant visits to him re: my heart and now hes very reluctant to do any more tests etc... so I know what he says, I may not believe :( Im so stupid. I feel like the boy who cried wolf


22-01-14, 17:33
i can relate to you in alot of things, like lumps, i get them at the bottom of my ear alot and my arm pit and above breast etc, i am constantly scanning myself. I am always feeling dizzy and ALWAYS struggle with my breathing in whatever i do! Jelly legs i have alot and i just feel so weak in general. I have been to the doctors alot and i feel like noone understands me, like the lights are too bright for me and what not and when i mention that they just look at me as if i spoke another language.

As for the cervical thing, my first ever smear (cos when 25 as you know is the first time u get it routinely unless needed for other reasons) came back as Severe dyskarosis CIN3 and that set me into panic mode,i have to go to hospital and get a coloscopy and because i was pregnant at the time i had to go back and have some biopsies which was done in November and then December i had the treatment for it, and even though mine was CIN3 and would not get better unless treated, they said that it still meant it was PRE-cancerous so it still wasnt cancer. I am waiting for the results of my treatment still. But all i can say is really try not to worry, i know its hard but honestly your not alone and your not stupid in the slightest :) x

22-01-14, 22:46
I had cin 3 10 years ago. Have had 2 children since and not another abnormal near since. They have just put me vsck to 3 yearly but id rather stay annually to be safe but not allowed.

23-01-14, 18:58
I really think that I have lymphoma too, but look! assuming that you are under 40, total number of lymphoma incidence hodgkin+Nhodgkin is 5 in 100,000!and there are lots of HA sufferers who are certain that they have lymphoma!