View Full Version : Health anxiety sucks

22-01-14, 14:21
Hello everybody,
I am new to this (great) forum.
When I look back 3 years I can only say my Health anxiety has not gotten better even though I have gained a lot of insight. I do know what to do and what not to do (f.eks. seeking reassurance) but when symptoms show off anxiety kicks in automatically.
I have visisted GPs numerous times over the years always expecting (only) the worst. At the moment I am afraid going to my present GP because she shows no understanding for my anxiety and that makes me even more nervous when I am there. Maybe I should get another GP. At the moment I have pain in my shoulderblades, burping, pain when eating etc. and I do not intend to go to the GP at least as long as I can stand it. Of course I just worry instead and I don't know if that is such a great solution.
Six years ago I had ovarian cancer (I am completely healed now - it was discovered in time) and I got the chock of my life also realising that yes my symptoms are usually anxiety but I can get ill and have to face up to that.
Whether we like it or not we have to be realistic about our symptoms. Of course that experience did not do my anxiety much good. My "usual" symptoms are dizziness , IBS and back pain. I can cope with them. Anything new (and they keep coming) worries me. The strange thing is also that they keep moving around. If I don't have back pain, I am dizzy or if I don't have the usual symptoms, new ones come up.
I know we should not get addicted to forums but I often go to the TMS
Forum and the TMS Wicki. Dr. Sarno has written a couple of books and his theory is that Tension Myositis Syndrome (the mind body syndrome) is a defensive reaction of the mind to prevent expression of repressed rage and anxiety and that the pain is created when blood flow to the tissues is restricted by the autonomic nervous system. He writes mostly about back pain but apparently the above applies for a lot of symptoms like IBS, TMJ,
all anxiety, fybromalgia, muscle tension of neck and shoulder etc. The advice of experienced people who are cured is accept the symptoms, ignore them and don't force anything. Don't even seek treatment . There again you have to find out whether it is something you want to have checked or accept as one of these symptoms.( I have managed to ignore my dizziness and IBS. I don't get them often and when I do I am not worried any more and they usually only last a few days but then of course there are all the others.......