View Full Version : How do I live a normal life

22-01-14, 17:00
I trod on my glasses last night,snapped em in two, no biggie really I rang my opticians up and got an appointment. I knew I needed my two year sight test so booked that. That's when the fun started ,sweating , hot flushes , thumping heart. What if my sight is failing? They are bound to spot something,there must be something,I'm sure you have all been there.turns out my vision is the same as two years ago so it worked myself up over nothing. How do I get it so that I can go to medical Heath checks sight tests etc and feel calm right from the start. I am currently on 20mg of citralapran and was looking to come off soon but today has frightened me I felt crap on 20mg how bad would I have felt on none? I am feeling sorry for myself at the moment and pouring out my feelings on here great therapy. Thanks for reading feedback would be great. Choliver.

22-01-14, 17:20
I wish I had the answer love. I really do. Have you tried practicing mindfulness? I haven't but I'm going to look into it. I'm glad your eye test went well x