View Full Version : is being honest with your DR about HA a good thing

22-01-14, 18:59
Im currently suffering a variety of symptoms and have been trying despratly to get my Dr to send me for further testing. Upon my first visit to docs about y palps and racing heart she asked me flat out if I have ever suffered with anxiety to which I replied yes. Since then ive been getting worse and worse and have been practically begging my doc for help but she still mantains its anxiety. Maybe I should never mentioned my HA in the. First place as it just seems they are tottaly ignoring me

22-01-14, 19:21
In my opinion being honest with your doc is really important.

When I began this journey the first thing I did was go to my doc and I was brutally honest with him telling him not only my symptoms but my fears as to what may be causing them.

My doc immediately ordered a full work up of my blood, an ekg and a 24 hour event monitor to rule out anything serious.

has your doc done any tests?
are you on meds?
in therapy?

22-01-14, 19:27
Not on any meds and not having any thearpy. My doctor hasnt sent me for tests ut ive had some done at hospital ecgs bloods ect but its still not enough. My symptoms just continue to worsen

22-01-14, 19:39
Having had HA all my life I have had a few Gp;s in my time. I usually say be honest but you can get a totally unsympathetic GP which does make it much worse. My last GP admitted she didn't understand HA at all and could be abrupt with me and this just made me worse but my present GP after moving house is brilliant. I told him from the off that I had had lifelong HA and he was very impressed with my insight into it and me.
I now tell him what I am worried I have got rather than just list the symptoms and he will them explain why he thinks I am wrong. He is happy for me to question his reasons etc and he also tells me when he thinks a test is necessary or totally unecessary and why.

Have you explained to your GP why you would like more tests. I have ectopic heartbeats and also atrial tachycardia both of which are benign and do not affect the functioning of the heart. My Dr was happy for me to have 24 hr ecg's and he explained that anxious people get funny hearbeats that make them more anxious.

22-01-14, 19:42
I asked for a 24 hour but she refused as my previous ecgs come back normal

22-01-14, 19:45
Ok so here are my thoughts and questions.

Remember I suffer just like you with the symptoms and doubts so I am not judging or trying to be insensitive at all.

It seems to me like you are doing nothing at the moment to treat or address your anxiety with either meds or therapy or a combination of both . You have to be proactive in your healing whether that means meds, therapy, positive self talk, guided meditation or all of them. No one can get you out of this but YOU!!! There is no magic pill that will take it away there is only your will and want to overcome. This is your story choose what you will write as your next chapter.

What symptoms are getting worse
Why do you think the tests you have had are not enough?

22-01-14, 19:52
I unserstand what your saying Ryan but I reallly have been trying to tackle this but there is just something telling me this isnt just anxiety. Ok so heres a symptom list

chest pain on left side

arm pain and shoulder pain also on left side


jaw pain..again on left side.


as you can see some pretty scary symptoms. Thats why I think I need more testing

22-01-14, 20:02
I don't think these are scary symptoms, though. They're symptoms listed by 90% of the people on this board, and they're listed in the info in the sidebars as being symptoms of anxiety. Health anxiety is all about being scared by stuff that most people don't even consider to be symptoms, and the feeling that it can't be just anxiety is in itself pretty much a classic symptom of anxiety.

It's true not all doctors are great for health anxiety; it certainly sounds like you and your doctor could stand to talk about that as the problem and discuss treatment for the anxiety. But good doctoring isn't just about getting you the tests you want--sometimes it's saying that test is not right for you.

22-01-14, 20:09
Shes reffered me for CBT which is good. Idk if I even saw some slight improvment in my symptoms. I would be a little more convinced it anxiety but they just seem to worsen

22-01-14, 20:18
Well I will tell you this and trust me I get it the heart is my biggest concern too.

The docs wouldn't misinterpret real cardiac issues on an ekg as anxiety issues they know how to tell the difference

22-01-14, 20:22
i didn't know you had already had 24 ecg's. Do you have any neck pain or stiffness as this could give you chest/jaw and arm pain. I have neck problems and I get all your pain symptoms but they are due to musculo/skeletal problems and nothing to do with my heart.

22-01-14, 21:04
That does make me think surely if there was a problem they would pick it up on a ecg

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ----------

Ive had multiple single ecgs but never a 24 one x

23-01-14, 01:53
Honestly I don't think there's any need to inform docs of HA. It's not relevant; symptoms need to be evaluated independently. GPs don't normally know very much about anxiety (they have the whole body to learn about) and tend to be very vague on its actual physical symptoms beyond the basic ones. But they may figure out your HA anyway, obviously.