View Full Version : Did something incredibly stupid

22-01-14, 22:31
Hi everyone
I did something incredibly stupid. I googled a symptom. I dont know what made me do it but I did and now im really scared I have pulmanory hypertension... I know its just my HA because the symptom I googled is common with anaemia and doesnt always happen just sometimes and all my symptoms are present with anemia and yet only some of my symptoms are present with ph and there are ones I dont have! I no im being stupid and my HA is getting the better of me! I had a blood test recently so I will find out if I do have anemia and when I went to doctor my heart rate and blood pressure were fine! I know im being stupid why did I ever google!

22-01-14, 22:55
I think if you had pulmanory hypertension your doctor would be able to hear changes in your heartbeat when she listened - it is also important to remember that many symptoms caused by anxiety are present in other illnesses! For example if you looked at all the conditions that had shortness of breath you would be there for an eternity! I understand as well that pulmonary hypertension gets constantly worse and if your symptoms arent constant then again I think your fine :) You are young and its therefore very unlikely to be affecting you! Just wait for that blood test to come back and if you do have anemia you will know whats causing your symptoms! Just try to relax and remember its all your health anxiety! :hugs: x

22-01-14, 23:20
Thank you :) the thing that set me off was because I googled about my heart rate increasing when I walk up the stairs :( But I think anemia can cause that and with ph you find it hard to breathe whereas I dont always feel breathless x