View Full Version : The Pill and Anxiety

22-01-14, 22:39
Basically just wondering if anyone else has experienced increased anxiety while taking the pill, I went to docs about it and they gave me propranolol to take with the pill and although I am find taking these(as they have helped me in the past) I want to know whether anyone else as experienced this? I'm driving my bf mad with worry atm lol I just want it to stop and I try really hard to control my emotions but they are always getting the better of me,



23-01-14, 09:45
Hi Kitty, I had a hard time on the pill a few years ago, it sparked off a lot of anxiety for me so I came off it. It was about 7/8 years ago though, so I can't remember now what pill it was.

My Mum & sisters also had difficult emotional problems with the pill, so they all chose not to use it either. It's not unusual to experience this kind of problem with it.

If you're having a hard time you could consider using a different pill or a different method of contraception.

23-01-14, 10:59
I can't say that it caused me any problems. I'm on Microgynon.

23-01-14, 11:13
Some women are very sensitive to progestins in the pill. Is there anything else you can use besides the pill?

23-01-14, 11:31
Thanks guys, I'm on millinette but ever since going on it a few months ago, I just get really emotional and yes I was quite emotional before but never been like this, also getting bleeding gums so I don't think this one is really agreeing with me, I was considering the implant but maybe i'm best but i'm best staying away from it all together but i'll trya few before I give up.

23-01-14, 11:50
Millinette is a combined pill, why don't you suggest to your doctor of trying a different combined pill or progesterone-only? The POP and other hormonal contraceptions really did not agree with me but the combined works like a dream.