View Full Version : New and anxious

23-01-14, 09:55
Hi I am new to this site , but not to being anxious, I seem to have been anxious and scared all my life, have been put on propanol and diazepam but don't feel any better, was at my old job for 21 years but foolishly left and now I hate my new job so much that it has made me so much worse, have been off sick with anxiety but as I don't get paid I have to go back soon and the thought of it is making my heart feel like it is going to burst! Does anyone have any advice as I'm desperate

23-01-14, 10:20
Hi Foxy I am sorry that you are not happy in your new job. Is there any chance you would be able to go back to work at the previous one?or maybe look for another job? If you have anxiety on your sick note your employer will have a duty of care to you and should be doing a stress management plan which may make things less stressful for you.