View Full Version : Quick question for shaky people!

23-01-14, 11:56
Hiya, just wondering - if you have 'the shakes' to any degree as a symptom of your anxiety, does it affect one side more than the other?

Although I have a kind of vague 'all over' shaky feeling, it's definitely more pronounced in my left hand. It's fine when it's at rest, and I really only notice it when my arm is leaning on something and my hand is 'in the air' but I'm keeping it still, especially if I'm holding something or clenching my fist. Wondering if it is just 'anxious' shaking or something else. Not worried too much about anything really serious (I admit I had a mild 'OMG one sided shaking Parkinson's aaaargh' but my rational brain knows I am improbably young - 30 - for that, and in any case Parkinson's tremor is a resting tremor, which is a different beast entirely, and I have zero other symptoms), but wondering if it might be a posture thing or something, trapped nerve? Or maybe it's not that unusual for anxious tremors to affect one side more than the other. I'm right handed so maybe it's just that my left hand is a bit more naturally feeble and therefore affected more?

24-01-14, 11:46
Hi there....I do get the internal trembling with my anxiety, but i also get what is called Essential Tremor. This is a benign inherited disorder, and mine is more pronounced in my right hand. As you say fine at rest, but i find more pronounced when doing things like carrying a cup of tea or leaning on something. It also gets worse when i have done things a bit more strenuous like cleaning out the rabbits !!
I've had this since i was about your age and that was 30 years ago ( i hate to say lol). I would say its only now that it may have got slightly more noticable but still doesn't worry me. It tends to run in families, my mother had it and one of my sons also.
I'm not saying this is what you have, but hope it may help.
Take care.....

24-01-14, 14:44
My husband has what is said to being a benign tremor. His mum had it too.
It seems to be worse when he gets nervous or wound up about something

27-01-14, 14:18
Thanks everyone. I'm not sure if I have essential tremor or not - sometimes there's no shaking at all but it comes on when I'm anxious, I think. I suppose I might have a mild essential tremor that's just worsened by anxiety.

I've had some blood taken to check my thyroid just in case and I have an appointment with the GP on Thursday to get the results etc, so I'll ask her then, but I reckon she'll say it's an anxiety thing!