View Full Version : Is it normal too see your heartbeat through clothes?

23-01-14, 12:31
I'm going to try make this my last post. I've been googling and panicking myself. I can see my heartbeat! Even with my clothes on if I watch my chest I can see it beating. Obviously not like bouncing out of my clothes, but I can see the rhythm! Is this normal?? I'm totally freaked now thinking my heart is beating too hard and fast and I'm building up to an attack . Please help x

---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 ----------

Not last post ever, I mean last heart related post before docs.

23-01-14, 12:32
Don't worry, I've had this. I had it when getting out of the bath the other night!

Your going to be fine, and chances are your making it do that by focusing on it :)

23-01-14, 12:37

You're spiraling out of control here... take a breath, log off your computer so you stop consulting Dr Google and go do something to distract yourself. You're fine! You said yourself when you stopped thinking about your head, the headaches stopped. It only goes to reason if you stop thinking about your heart, the heart "whatevers" will stop too :)

Positive thoughts

23-01-14, 12:39
I can occasionally see my heartbeat, yep. Sometimes if I sit with one leg over the other the top leg seems to pulsate in time with my heartbeat - no idea if that's normal or not but I pretty much figure it's likely to be because I'm stressed and focussing on it.

23-01-14, 13:35
I would agree with the getting out of control. I've always been able to notice it when I am lying in bed but I'm not sure if I've ever noticed it just sitting normally. Some sites say it's normal and indicate a good strong heartbeat, others say it's if you're too skinny, which I'm not I'm the right weight for my height. And then there's the usual yes it's bad it's your heart overworking blah blah. Who are these people anyway! I actually read someone reply to a young boys question on Yahoo saying 'yeah you're gonna die ring an ambulance'. What a moron that person is. Moron was a carefully selected choice of words, plenty others came to mind.
There doesnt seem to be any real medical responses to it? Maybe it's just such a non event it's never been documented. It's not like my heart is beating fast. I can just see the movement. I wish my best friend was a doctor :/

23-01-14, 14:28
Yahoo answers is the devil's work!! I saw someone who sounded like she had cystitis being told she probably had cancer and would die in 6 months. Stay well away.

The most common explanation I've seen is stress/anxiety. Doesn't generally seem to be considered a problem unless it's associated with really irregular heart beats (not just the odd skipped beat) or really fast heart rate, etc.

23-01-14, 14:38
If you look closely at the general areas you can feel a pulse, like your neck, wrist etc., you can actually see it (depending on the amount of body fat you have). It's so totally normal ;) Concerning Yahoo? I've found that Yahoo is notoriously frequented by trolls.... Little cowardly Momma's boys doing naughty things in the basement hiding behind a computer screen.

Positive thoughts

23-01-14, 15:00
Yes, Yahoo is the absolute worst. Indeed, it does seem most of the responses come from silly little boys.
I don't have any skipped beats or fluttering that I'm aware of, nor does my heart rate seem particularly fast. I just feel a bit short of breath, but I think it's because I'm focused on my chest. Or I bloody hope it is! The annoying thing with these sorts of symptoms is that you don't know if it's always been the same. I could have had a visible heart beat for my whole life and never noticed. I suppose if you focus on anything hard enough you're bound to spot something.
So desperate for my doc appointment though. If there was anything wrong waiting 4 days wouldn't be a good idea! This is the devilish thing, how do you know when to actually think, hang on, I'm getting an emergency appointment. So much of HA is almost like trickery.

23-01-14, 22:15
I can definitely see my heartbeat over my clothes, as well as when I lie down I feel it in my arms, legs and hands. I wouldn't worry about it, I've also noticed that I can see my boyfriends heartbeat so I don't think it's anything sinister.

23-01-14, 22:56
Oh my goodness I wish I was thin enough to see my heart beating!!! Embrace this! :)

24-01-14, 07:52
Yep, totally normal :)

I can see mine all the time in various locations if I look. If I lie on my back I can see my aorta pulsating in my upper stomach area even through clothes. I checked with my Dr the first time I noticed. He laughed (in a nice way!) and said its fine and indicates everything's as it should be :yesyes:

24-01-14, 10:52
Ahh thanks guys, this makes me feel loads better! It's good to know I'm not the only one!
I'm going to try and behave myself today, zero googling and chest watching...there's a sentence I never thought I'd say.
Thank you again! Xx