View Full Version : Hi :)

23-01-14, 16:10
Hi Everyone,

Been visiting this wonderful site for the last few weeks now, but only just registered(what an amazing place/people to find & know your not alone!!)

I'm 35 a mother & wife, and been a worrier most my life, but it only came out in anxiety & panic attacks at the end of November after a very tough year of various things, one of the worst being my wonderful father in law passing away suddenly in august a week before his 65th birthday & retirement.
Its been a mixed ride of anxiety (general & health-stemming from I believe the sudden loss of my father in law) & Panic attacks.

I started Citlopram(10mg) at the start of December, and The Panic attacks have nearly stopped(from being constant all throughout the day) The anxiety is getting better but I am still working so hard at it! I referred myself for CBT right at the start But still waiting....so I am trying to teach myself with the use of 'CBT work book for dummies'!

Like everyone else here it is effecting my life in many ways, and from someone who LOVES Christmas this years was quite a blurr (and not through alcohol!!)Which still upsets me. I am hoping to meet some great people here & learn lots more from others

Thankyou for taking the time to read:) x

23-01-14, 16:22
Hi there

Welcome :)

I too have always been a worrier and very much a 'what if' thinker' honestly the things I've 'what if'd' about are so absurd they're embarrassing.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hopefully you'll find some good advice on here. Something I've been attempting is mindfullness, it sounds like something that could soothe me if I master it.


23-01-14, 17:33
Hi, Thankyou for the welcome I do a lot of 'what ifing' too !! I have been reading about mindfulness, all these things are hard to master.... best of luck to you xx