View Full Version : moles/skin cancer/melanoma + Dr

23-01-14, 17:41
I posted a few days back about my mole / skin cancer / melanoma fears - I thought I would post again (gosh I am sorry though, I'm sure you'll all be sick of hearing about my damn skin!)

I visited the Dr who checked out the moles I was most worried about and said they all looked fine.. God I felt good.. For maybe a day ;)

My problem I think is misdiagnosis.. I've since convinced myself that these moles look so weird there must be something wrong with them that the doctor has missed (he's never seen me or my moles before) This is down to google I think and reading horror stories (which I regret SO much) I just can't get it out of my head that I've got cancer! My dad says I have an OCD brain, which is probably true (I had so many weird and wonderful OCD tendencies as a child)

So basically.. The Dr would know if they looked dodgy right? Even if he hadn't seen them before and I couldn't reliably say whether they had changed or not? Am I being ridiculous? Should I go to a dermatologist for a second opinion or can I let it lie? The doctor was so nice and said that I could come back for him to check my moles if I wanted (I'll certainly be doing that)

I feel sick to my stomach for not checking them more often and being a little lax with suncream in the past (I know, I know) I'm quite pale and I have so many.. I do keep covered up though.

I'm sorry if this sounds silly and that I'm posting about it again. I'm just feeling so anxious and fragile! I've organized a consultation to get some CBT or at least therapy or some kind so fingers crossed!

I'm avoiding google like the bloody plague now.

---------- Post added at 17:41 ---------- Previous post was at 16:51 ----------

Is it normal to feel like this? I'm starting to think I'm crazy!

22-02-14, 13:39
I understand. I have convinced myself I have melanoma so when the doctor said it was fine I was all "are you definitely definitely sure" .... He must have thought I was mad. Anyway my anxiety has gotten so bad I had a mini breakdown in the bathroom. I'm going to see a different doctor this week and even if she says it's fine I'm going to ask for a referral to a dermatologist or something. I'm sure we are over reacting. Doctors are trained professionals and if they thought it had the slightest chance of being cancer they'd refer us, they wouldn't want to get sued!

22-02-14, 14:25
The doctor would know if they looked like they needed further investigation. xxx

22-02-14, 14:50
Is it normal to feel like this? I'm starting to think I'm crazy!

It does sound like you have health anxiety--people without it aren't going to respond with the same kind of catastrophizing. So are you getting the anxiety treated, since that's the real problem?

22-02-14, 15:11
You sound just like me....

Melonoma is one thing that drives me crazy..

Even though the doctor has never seen your moles before be reassured that if they though something wasn't right then would send you to aomeone.

If you are really that worried go to see a different doctor for a second opinion just to put your mind at rest a little :)


24-02-14, 05:39
Oh boy, do I relate. I'm in the same boat--pale, and badly sunburned numerous times over the years (mostly in my childhood and youth).

I'm seeing a dermatologist Friday. My family doctor isn't worried about any of my moles, but I couldn't live without a specialist taking a look at them too. And I can't wait to ask her to remove all the moles troubling me!

So you're not alone regarding your melanoma scare, nor regarding your health anxiety. A week or two ago I had my husband measure and photograph all of my moles, and by the end of the process I was trembling with fear. I just can't live with that degree of anxiety anymore!

24-02-14, 06:03
I don't believe the doctor, either, that I don't have tongue cancer.
But then, not believing doctors when they say you are well is a classic sign of anxiety disorder.
It would help, though, if there weren't so many stories about misdiagnoses on the internet. :(
I'm definitely with you on that!
However, I'm sure this is not as common as, you know.... correct diagnoses.
We just don't hear about those as much.

24-02-14, 06:31
However, I'm sure this is not as common as, you know.... correct diagnoses.
We just don't hear about those as much.

Very good point. Must remember that! :)

24-02-14, 12:32
If you just read through the treads here or look at the post history, there are countless people who are convinced they had a deadly malady only to be told they're fine by a medical professional(s). Almost invariably, that person will either doubt the diagnosis, want more testing or be fine for a few days before another ailment takes over their psyche.

Thus is the affliction and cycle of HA. You've been told you're fine physically however, mentally is where you should focus your efforts. That's where the healing must start. Speak with your doctor about a referral for counseling, CBT, meds or a combination thereof to help you get the Dragon under control.

Positive thoughts

25-02-14, 10:46
Oh boy, do I relate. I'm in the same boat--pale, and badly sunburned numerous times over the years (mostly in my childhood and youth).

I'm seeing a dermatologist Friday. My family doctor isn't worried about any of my moles, but I couldn't live without a specialist taking a look at them too. And I can't wait to ask her to remove all the moles troubling me!

So you're not alone regarding your melanoma scare, nor regarding your health anxiety. A week or two ago I had my husband measure and photograph all of my moles, and by the end of the process I was trembling with fear. I just can't live with that degree of anxiety anymore!

Hi Bulan,

I hope you're feeling better! My melanoma scare was possibly my most stressful time with HA so far. I have to say I'm feeling much better about my moles now. It took two trips to two different doctors to put my mind at rest. I considered having moles removed, and getting them checked by a specialist but realized that for me personally it probably wouldn't help my anxiety, in the long run it would just feed it. It was hard but I just accepted what the dr's had told me about my moles being fine. I try to rationally check them once a month now.

Also, I try to repeatedly ask myself the questions "why do you think you know better than I trained Doctor?" & "would you trust a Doctor whose training was random thoughts and feelings they'd had and looking on google?!" Probably not :D

25-02-14, 17:34
Lol very good cut out stars. If that was the case we would all be highly skilled doctors. My second dr told me my moles were not that concerning to her. She could see I was anxious so is sending me to a dermatologist so he/she can put my mind at rest, discuss about any removals and what I personally should look out for. Dr said she'd put money on all of mine being fine so I guess she wouldn't say that if she had any doubts! Feeling a little better :)

14-04-14, 06:17
Hi Bulan,

I hope you're feeling better! My melanoma scare was possibly my most stressful time with HA so far. I have to say I'm feeling much better about my moles now. It took two trips to two different doctors to put my mind at rest. I considered having moles removed, and getting them checked by a specialist but realized that for me personally it probably wouldn't help my anxiety, in the long run it would just feed it. It was hard but I just accepted what the dr's had told me about my moles being fine. I try to rationally check them once a month now.

Also, I try to repeatedly ask myself the questions "why do you think you know better than I trained Doctor?" & "would you trust a Doctor whose training was random thoughts and feelings they'd had and looking on google?!" Probably not :D
I didn't see this post until just now. Yes, thanks, I'm feeling a little better. The anxiety attack I had that night with my husband was the worst health anxiety I have ever had. I had never felt so out of control, and never trembled so much before.

I'm still concerned and now I'm second-guessing my own observations of my moles. And I still feel as though getting them tested would be the best for my peace of mind. My biggest source of stress right now is the fact that I can't afford to have them all removed at once. :blush:

14-04-14, 11:40
I went through a horrible stage where I photographed moles and compared them to online moles. It was a terrible time. I went on a 4 week cruise then to Hawaii and I was so petrified of going in the sun I would wear a big hat, loads of sunscreen, long sleeve shirt and pants all in the heat of summer. I spent my time on the cruise looking at everyone else's moles. My panic attacks over moles gave me the worst IBS, shakes, sleepless nights etc. A year later and many doctors visits I have observed my moles to have not changed in the entire year. Doctors know what to look for and I think I would know myself if one was not right. I am lucky my doctor is also a surgeon and wouldn't have to be referred in case of removal or testing.
If a doctor says it's OK, believe him, because believe me the year of worry I have had I will never get back let alone my $12000 holiday I spent the entire time worrying on.