View Full Version : tinnitus sufferers

23-01-14, 17:30
Anyone here suffer with tinnitus? Do you find anxiety worsens the condition?

23-01-14, 17:38
Hi Kurtis, yes I have tinnitus as part of a jaw/migraine problem. And yes anxiety will make it worse because it increases muscle tension in your jaw and neck which may be part of the tinnitus problem.

There are different types of tinnitus, it would be a good idea to check it out with your doctor if you haven't already.

23-01-14, 17:42
Ive had it for around 7 years lol but its strange how. It seems to worsen with my anxiety

23-01-14, 18:16
I have it and it's far worse when I'm anxious

23-01-14, 18:25
I have had it for 30 years and had MRI but found nothing. It's worse when I'm stressed

23-01-14, 18:49
I've had tinnitus for 6 years now. Its started whilst I was in a very anxious time, just appeared one night and never went away. If I'm anxious I notice it a lot more, but when I'm not I hardly notice it now.
I struggled with it for the first compile of years, it really got me down

23-01-14, 18:55
I never notice mine unless I think about it and when I focus on it it's very loud.

23-01-14, 18:58
My diagnosis from the consultant was 'its just a ear infection, Itll go soon'
Never had a ear infection and 6 yrs later its still here!

23-01-14, 21:22
I have had pulsitile tinnitus for past 6 years. In other words I can hear my heart beating 24/7 in my left ear, its a whooshing hiss sound in time with my heartbeat. To be honest its the least worrisome of my symptoms!! I had an mri to rule out any abnormal blood vessels in my head and have just had a ct of my inner ear bones to rule out a rare ear condition. Waiting for results.

23-01-14, 23:03
Yess my tinnitus has lasted for about...well, just over a year now and the first few months were hell, like I would cry myself to sleep.
But now even though I do notice it, I can hear it whilst typing this, but I've just learnt to deal with it.
Sometimes it's pretty calm and can't hear nothing even when it's quiet, other times I can hear it on top of a loud room.
And stress does play a huge factor in the volume of your tinnitus, so the calmer you are the better it is. :)

07-02-14, 18:29
I've had high-pitched tinnitus all my life, but as a kid I only really noticed it at night.

For the past 7 years it's been much worse and is obvious all the time. If I'm watching TV on my own I tend to put subtitles on - not that I can't hear it as such, but I miss bits, so it's easy than rewatching.

Strangely I notice it less when I'm really anxious as I have too much junk going on in my mind to worry about the noise :)

07-02-14, 18:35
Yep same here. Had it for around 9 years now. Tbh it was pretty much tinnitus that started my HA off. Started one evening out of the blue and never gone. Deffo more pronounced when stressed and anxious. Some days better than others but always there Dr wasnt remotely interested.
Also made worse with red wine and strong cheese for some odd reason