View Full Version : Intrusive thoughts?

23-01-14, 18:18
Hi everyone
how do you deal with intrusive thoughts? I have soo many like ranging from health related (usually losing control) - what if I get this illness? what if I roll my eyes back in my head? to other stuff - what if I start walking the other way? what if I say something out loud in front of everyone? I find them very distressing and upsetting and dont know what to do with them. I am starting counselling next thursday thanks x

23-01-14, 18:28
Wear a nice and strong elastic band, and every time you get a intrusive thought flick your band against your wrist and shout stop in your head as loud as you can, then count up to ten :)

That's what a booklet from my psychiatrist told me to do, it works well, and will eventually train your mind not to do it :)

24-01-14, 06:56
I don't agree with the advice given above. That's exactly what you're not to do. You face the thoughts and see then through. Cbt and erp is the correct treatment for such thoughts. Try reading Dr Grayson's book or google Dr Phillipson, he has some good articles online that may help you understand this form of OCD better.

24-01-14, 09:25
Different strategies work for different people though.

24-01-14, 11:15
Sorry, it has just helped me in the past though so I thought I would write it. But I understand acceptance, it's probably the more easier route.

I wouldn't call it self harm at all, I'm not going to flick that hard hahah, when you flick yourself and count to ten it takes your mind away from the thought, I get particularly bad intrusive thoughts that I really find hard to accept so I use this.

To me it's more of a temporary method to stop myself spiralling into a horrible thought stream.

24-01-14, 14:23
No I wouldn't call it self harm. It's more an avoidance of the actual thought, you have to accept the thought. Exposure therapy is the best treatment and acceptance.

24-01-14, 14:33
I've done exposure therapy for three years, unfortunately it still hasn't worked for me, I think everyone's different and whatever works for someone may not work for another.

I understand acceptance is the best tool for these things, but it's incredibly hard for some people, especially when their thoughts are so disturbing, as mine are.

Anyway let's not highjack this thread! :)

25-01-14, 07:18
I do agree, different things work for different people. I'm having ERP therapy and I'm hopeful. My thoughts are very disturbing so feel I need to help.

I recommend a book called At Last a Life. I've learnt a lot from it.

25-01-14, 12:00
Only good people get intrusive thoughts ;)

Why? Because you are so repulsed by them it means that you are empathetic and caring. You don't want to inflict harm or damage. Keep that in mind, and try not to feel so distressed by them, it will only make the thoughts worse. Accept that they are only thoughts, that nothing will come of them and, eventually, they will lessen.

25-01-14, 19:39
i agree with Rennie especially about the bit about good people. the real bad people are not affected by them and enjoy them they dont see them as intrusive at all. It is hard I am struggling with mine at the moment but accepting and facing them leaves them no where to hide and lessens any impact! Give it time it is hard but time heals.

26-01-14, 04:25
I agree with what a few others have said. I have really bad sexual intrusive thoughts, that make me feel uncomfortable, and I have found that once I start forcing myself into letting my brain think of them, that it's easier and faster to get over it.