View Full Version : Hi, Im new :)

23-01-14, 19:35
Hi everyone, just joined and hoping to find/give support to anyone that has suffered with depression/anxiety. I withdrew from Fluoxetine 20mg beginning of December. Prior to that I was on Effexor and Citaloptam. I thought I was doing well... until the anxiety hit me hard this week. Went to GP and have been prescribed 50mg Sertraline. Im on day 2 and feel better, I think, just havent been able to eat much.

Im just looking to chat to others and if I can help at all with my many years of experience on (Citalopram. Effexor, Fluoxetine) then Im all ears too.

23-01-14, 21:13
Hi, I only joined yesterday suffer with anxiety & panic attacks...think we have taken a good path coming here, I am on citalopram at present & it is helping with the panic attacks, I am still trying to combat the anxiety! x

23-01-14, 21:16
Day 15 of Citalopram. Not a bad day I guess. But then walked around town, and had to get home quick. Hated the public contact. Too many people. Good days and bad days huh!

23-01-14, 22:12
:blush: Hey there, My name is Pete. I have been on Citalpram for several years and had to change to Prozac in October last year. I am currently house bound with fear of going outside and am waiting to see a psychologist.

I have decided that as of tomorrow will try not to have any caffeine and maybe try some exercise too..... gotta start somewhere eh

Cú Chulainn
23-01-14, 22:25
Welcome to NO MORE PANIC
Hope you find it as much help as I have.

24-01-14, 10:06
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Im on day 3 of 50mg Sertraline. Someone just told me that I will gain heaps of weight on this... thats made me feel pretty crappy!!

---------- Post added at 10:06 ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 ----------

And to Pete, cutting out caffeine helped me, but I do so love my coffee. I was housebound in 2002 for a couple of months due to anxiety and severe panic attacks. I had CBT x 2 a week and took Alprazolam (sadly is private prescription only in UK). I was on Effexor then, moved to Fluoxetine to withdraw from the Effexor. I stopped the Fluoxetine in December 2013 and found my anxiety was getting bad, mood was low and I was lining things up in my house and raging, so went to my GP and now on Sertraline....

Hope everyone is having a good day?

24-01-14, 13:59
Nice to meet you Lolly

24-01-14, 14:01
Thank you marty. Only been on here a very short while and some really great people on here.

24-01-14, 16:14
Hi lollie I am new on here too, like u I too suffer from anxiety and possibly depression doc has prescribed me 10mg citalopram have to go bck in 2 weeks to assess how I am getting on. I suffer from lots of physical symptoms of anxiety, the shaking, vibrating feeling, eye flickers, twitching etc plus mood swings. I hope that one day I will function normally again, take care hope it helps to hear others in similar positions x

24-01-14, 16:37
When I was first very ill (circumstancial) in 2003, I had awful symptoms including tingling, shaking, tremors, blurred vision, health anxiety the lot. I told the doctor and I thought he would think I was crazy - but he said he has heard the most bizarre symptoms which are anxiety. Oh the eye flickering, I almost dialled 999 one night as thought I was seriously ill. Awful.

I took Citalopram initially and it did get me out of a deep dark hole. I cant really remember too well, but I switched about and kind of accepted I had low mood.

Turning 40, I thought nope not having this anymore... decided to find who i am so stopped Effexor and went to low dose Prozac. Took that for 2 years and Dec 2013 thought ahhh im ok now. And I was for 6 weeks. Last few weeks Ive been noticing my mood is low, and Im raging, having to line things up in house, constantly cleaning (which I use as an avenue for my anxiety). So back to GP and on Sertraline 50mg. Day 3 and feeling a bit edgy but ok.

If you ever want to talk about the awful symptoms then Im all ears as I know how much they affected me and how I thought I was the only person ever to feel that way.

Pm me if you prefer x

24-01-14, 17:24
Hi I am sooo glad to know I am not alone, thanks the symptoms are really scarey and its hard to explain to others who dont really understand. I take each day as it comes and try to accept my anxiety, if not it will get the better of me, being on my own or before I go to sleep is the worst for me as I over analyse everything I am feeling and that brings the symptoms on!!! X

24-01-14, 17:33
Oh hell no, you are NOT alone. I have felt a little anxious this evening, probably due to starting new drug. Managing the anxiety is crucial. I find deep breathing, a good talk to myself that Im not actually dying or going weird, Ive done a face pack, foot spa and now cuddling my little dog. I have been given some diazepam just in case. But when I was at my worst in 2003 I paced the house all night. Now I wont allow it to get to me like that. I was awake at 4am this morning and thought oh sod off im tired lol.

Remember I havent always had this, i was ill in 2003 due to having a stillbirth at full term. Ive had many good years, the reason Im back here is because I decided to cold turkey Prozac. The anxiety DOES go away, and we manage to control it. CBT helped me a lot with managing it. I did see a private therapist for 2 years and gained heaps of knowledge on managing it. And the OCD... they all go hand in hand. I am at moment obsessed with things in house being straight. Hard with a dog, cats and a 10 year old.

Im usually up til late and i get email notifications on my phone, so if youre feeling bad tonight, just pm me and we can chat.

I do have a very silly sense of humour and will probably make you laugh. Im a 42 year old thats stuck at 20 lol x

24-01-14, 18:21
Hi Lolly
welcome to nmp . I`m sure you will find plenty of help and support on the site

I`m 41 and I`m still stuck on 20 :roflmao:

All the best


24-01-14, 18:24
Hi Antonio

Ive already chatted to some wonderful people, read some great success stories and really want to help as Ive had a long journey and a successful one. Just a little blip Im having and decided to join here and chat to people that understand.

24-01-14, 18:33
Hi lolly

Yes well hopefully you will over come this in no time .I`ve been a sufferer off anxiety /panic attacks and also bouts of agoraphobia since I was 19 . I manage to get out a little more now a days though so making good progress . Yes there`s some great people on the site who have offered lots of support over the years as a member of NMP and feel it helps talking to other that understand a little of what we are going through

Im sure in no time you will pick up :hugs:


24-01-14, 18:43
Its nasty isnt it. My sister had severe anxiety around the age of 20. I never understood what the heck was going on and it frightened me. She said until you suffer it you will never understand. How poignant her words were. She is very supportive of me, she phones me every morning since ive been on new pills and checks Im ok. I am ok, well I had a bit of a wobble an hour ago and started thinking i cant swallow. I just told my self that was silly and of course I can swallow and breathe. I have taken 5mg diazepam just so I can unwind a bit and have a restful night. My GP did say the Sertraline may make me feel worse before better, so I kind of expected a few blips.

Really nice to talk to people in same situation and all able to help each other along this journey :)

24-01-14, 22:58
Hi again lolly
Yes I don`t think anyone will understand anxiety unless their actually going through it themselves. That`s good you have support from your sister . I myself have been prescribed up to 2 x 5mg Diazepam daily but I only really take them when I`m feeling very panicky and anxious
I hope you're feeling a little better :D


25-01-14, 08:13
Ive woken up with a stinking rotten cold, so feeling pretty rubbish. The 5mg Diazepam I took just chilled me out and I did some reading last night. Think I will have a duvet day today if the Sertraline allows me ;). The pharmacist said I cant take any cold relief with Sert... Im wondering why? I know no one on here is a doctor, but I took Beechams with Fluox no probs. I just need something for my blocked ears, nose and sore throat really.

25-01-14, 08:45
Well get yourself well lolly and enjoy your duvet day :hugs:

25-01-14, 08:51
Ahh thanks. Its just a heavy cold, but really want to stop sneezing!

25-01-14, 09:54
Bless you lolly !!
Get some honey and lemon down you !
Works wonders for me eveytime :D

25-01-14, 09:59
My best cure is my miniature schnauzer cuddles :D

25-01-14, 10:16
There you go then , problem solved !! :roflmao:

25-01-14, 10:23
Yup, and the cat has joined in. All I need now is the Milk tray man to deliver vast amounts of chocolate.:)

25-01-14, 18:24
Thanks lolly its nice to know I am not alone, the physical symptoms do get me down I just want them to go away

25-01-14, 18:37
They do go away. Honest. When I was first diagnosed in 2003 I was told by consultant psychiatrist at Priory hospital that although I was feeling well, anxiety can come back, we just need to learn to deal with it. I think his words were very true. I manage it well and although I had many panic attacks back then, Ive not had one in 10 years now. I tend to treat the anxiety as a bully. CBT really does help x