View Full Version : Hello there fellow panic attack sufferers

23-01-14, 19:52
:blush:.....Hello my name is Pete, I am forty seven years old and have been suffering with anxiety attacks now for some twenty seven years and I am so.. so.. so.. tired of them. They have effected me this time to the point were I am unable to leave the house for fear that I will die.

I know I want to live my life, but just now I have no idea where to start. I am on Prozac for the first time in my life and it does not appear to have changed anything for me. I am waiting to see a psychologist and hope that this will help.

I have over twenty years of mental and emotional abuse from my ex wife and so of course this does not help either. Hope fully this forum and the chat room will help me to deal with my life and hopefully direct it to somewhere much more positive.

Inside there is a happy chap....... just not sure where he has gone just now, maybe you can help me find myself again:)

23-01-14, 21:10
Hi &:welcome:I only joined yesterday diagnosed with anxiety & panic attacks end of November. hopefully this site will be of help its good to know your not alone...

23-01-14, 22:07
:)...Hey there.... yes it is indeed good to know your not alone..... maybe we're not so weird after all eh :)

23-01-14, 22:18
at the start of December I thought I was going mad...there are still somedays that I do:doh:.... I was started on Citlopram and the panic attacks have become fewer but the anxiety is still a big problem. I havn't been able to face the outside world much & with a 3yr old that is effecting my life enormously (I fear my symptoms of panic striking whilst out on my own) hopefully we have taken the right path coming here & we will be able to find support & encouragement....

25-01-14, 21:18
Hey there,

How are you feeling today, hope your feeling okay today? This is my second full day without caffeine and have to admit to feeling somewhat better.

25-01-14, 22:49
Hi Peter66,

I have had a rough day today due to being up in the night & a poorly child :(
I found the anxiety & panic setting in over the silliest things! I gave in about 9pm and had to resort to the diazepam but only then so not bad!

I gave up caffeine a few days after being diagnosed, (now have shares in chamomile tea!!) i have the odd small cup of coffee now & again and do seem ok with that.
I hope you continue to see an improvement , how have u been otherwise?....

26-01-14, 03:17
Hey peter, I suffer from extreme panic and anxiety also. I have become house bound a few times. I been suffering for twelve years now. I am now 40 years old. I cannot drink much caffeine. I have one really weak cup in the morning. This site really helps though. It is nice to know there are so many fellow sufferers. Take care. Tiff

Cú Chulainn
26-01-14, 22:22
Welcome to NO MORE PANIC
Hope you find it as much help as I have.
Ive also stopped al caffeine intake after my last anxiety episode and it has helped.
Hope the physiatrist can bring you some relief.
Hope you get on the road to recover soon.