View Full Version : Has anyone got raised prolactin

23-01-14, 20:35
Just come back from drs fir blood test results, and I have raised Prolactin, got to be retested in 4 weeks. If still high may be referred to endocrinologist.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

Gulity w

23-01-14, 20:45
I got tested for this because I was leaking breast milk well after a year after stopping breast feeding. The first time I went to the Dr she didn't test for it as she said it can remain elevated for some time after breast feeding. The next time I went I got the test done but my prolactin was normal. I was referred ti the breast clinic and all was well.
Have you been recently pregnant or breast feeding? I was told that a rare cause of this can be a growth on the putuitary gland which is almost always benign and can be treated with medication, so try not to worry. What prompted them to check your prolactin in the first place, if you don't mind me asking?

23-01-14, 21:17
Thanks for your reply cattia, I went to the drs as yellowish discharge from breast, so that's why they checked prolactin. My youngest is 11 so I don't fit that criteria.

Yes i too read about the pituitary tumour, that's why I wondered if anyone had experience of this.

24-11-14, 23:17
I got told this today my the GP after having a blood test last week. He's now taking me off my med and trying me on another. I guess I have to go with him as he mentioned the word tumour :/

25-11-14, 00:35
Are you on any psych meds? They can raise prolactin in some people.

25-11-14, 13:59
Yeah I'm on sertraline. He's told me to come off it and then have another test! Never come off a med like this before so scared!