View Full Version : anxiety and panic

17-11-06, 22:24
im fed up and very depressed today help please talk to me

17-11-06, 22:50
Hi Hazel

sorry to hear you're feeling so down. Have you found the chat room yet?

Sean xx

19-11-06, 09:39
Hello there.

Welcome to the Forum. This is a great place to come. You can get lots of advice and support here. Hope your feeling better soon.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

30-11-06, 20:16
hi there
Hope you are feeling better today- I think you said that you had been back to work, hope that you are taking each day step by step. I decided to tackle things big style, and have now had six weeks acupuncture, and a specific chinese herbal tea, which has made a massive difference to me. My friend say that I wont really know if its eithe rthe treatmentor my mental approach to having confrionted this spiral of panic, but I actually dont mind whatever the remedy is , its made a huge difference. I couldnt ever imagine being so relaxed and calm again. I had actually forgotten what it felt like to lie there, not asleep but just so deeply relaxed. I imagine that I am floating on a lilo water bed in a nice warm swimmingpool on a sunny day. I hope that you can find this of some use, I am trying to say that things can get better even if you cannot see it at first.