View Full Version : Really could use some help right now..

24-01-14, 01:00
Hello. I'm ready to kill myself and I even made a list about things to do before it. I did have a moment of clarity this morning and started thinking about how scare it is to have these thoughts and what if I actually do it.. So I've had a rough 6 months. I got major anxiety and panic disorder and even my doctors assumed it was brain cancer (of course they shouldnt say that but thei did and that made my symptoms worse).

So my situation right now:
I've been in a happy relationship for four years. My world was spinning around this person and she even recently started talking about marriage. She was my only support since I've supported her through all her problems etc. I don't really have any friends..
Well she started cheating on me with this one person and I caught them right in the middle of their act. She begged for my forgiveness and said the wanted to spend the rest of her life with me and that the loved more than anything. Well yesterday I checked her fb messagess (that's stupid too I know but what else could I do?) and saw that she still was with that person and they were secretly together. My world is crashed. We planned our future together and I don't have other plans and no friends. What to do...sorry about his post being so long but maybe if I wrote about it, it would help.

24-01-14, 20:36
I know how it feels to want to do it, I felt suicidal when I was younger and tried doing it once but obviously it didn't work and I'm glad it didn't otherwise I wouldn't of met my boyfriend who I've been with for 7 years now and happy.

Even though it feels like the world has ended because your girlfriend did this it will get better, it shows you she doesn't love you and you deserve someone that does. There is that person waiting for you out there. You just have to find them.

I hope I've not made things worse, I'm not the best at helping people out of these situations but I can't leave once I've read something like that. If you need to talk then I'd be happy to.

24-01-14, 20:43
Suicide will only stop you from recovering and feeling joy again,hang in there things can and will get better

25-01-14, 00:07
I'm so sorry you've found this out about your partner. Do you have friends or family you can confide in and talk to? Essentially you're grieving for what you had with your partner. Be kind to yourself, you have to allow yourself time to figure out this relationship and what to do for the best.

How are you feeling now?

Talk talk talk whenever you're feeling that low. Reach out, you must. I too am not sure what to say in this kind of situation but one thing I'm confident of is that the S word really isn't worth it xxx

27-01-14, 04:01
No, I really don't have anyone to talk to. But now I'm feeling a bit better because I've tried to forget it. Now I'm just shaking and freezing all the time so my HA is skyhigh again, that too helps me from thinking about sad stuff //worrier13 ps. Thanks for your support, it really means a lot!

Cú Chulainn
27-01-14, 04:07
No, I really don't have anyone to talk to. But now I'm feeling a bit better because I've tried to forget it. Now I'm just shaking and freezing all the time so my HA is skyhigh again, that too helps me from thinking about sad stuff //worrier13 ps. Thanks for your support, it really means a lot!

Hi, if you don't have anyone to talk to then you should go to your doctor and explain your situation and exactly how you feel.
You should try counselling and maybe some CBT to tackle the HA especially if its making you feel this bad.
Dont give up there is help out there.

27-01-14, 13:57
pray and read your holy book and take medications as prescribed from ur doctor