View Full Version : my biggest fear came home norovirus

24-01-14, 08:03
i haven't posted for a while as i came here before i started cbt and every thread i made was a bit of a cry for reassurance and i felt it wasn't really helping me .

my fear is sick bugs , i had cbt and it helped , but my wife came home from work.monday night feeling ill and within an hour was suffering d and v . She used the ensuite bathroom and no one else went in there for 24 hours after she stopped where i entered and cleaned the whole bathroom usi g flash with bleach .

she stoped being ill Tuesday morning at around 10 am however still felt ropey until Thursday evening .

now im in full on panic mode that its going to get me . Ive allready had a day and a half off work and my thoughts spiral into ill get ill , piss off my boss , lose my job etc etc etc . Im needed on Saturdays and of course im worried ill get ill tonight and let him down again causing me issues at work .

i didn't sleep at all last night for worrying id be ill .

i thought i had got better but this is a major back step .

24-01-14, 15:12
anyone that's clued up think im.out of the woods regards to catching it ? Its been 48 hours since she was last sick and i bleached the bathroom

---------- Post added at 15:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:27 ----------

also just realised i used my razor this morning that was in there , 1 thing i didn't wipe over with bleach . So now in panicking particles couldve got on there and now into my mouth as i shaved with it . **** anxiety in so miserable right now

24-01-14, 16:38
Are you ill yet? It's been 5 days since your wife came home and you've not got any symptoms I should think you're probably ok.

No harm in being sure and keeping clean. I think you're probably feeling worse from just worrying.


I also think your employers would be understanding if you couldn't come in because you had Norovirus. They wouldn't want it themselves.

It lasts two days so your wife should be getting better now.

I'm sure you'll be ok

24-01-14, 17:40
no in not ill yet but have felt yukky for 2 days but i do panick about it . She stopped having symptoms Tuesday lunch time . I bleached the bathroom Wednesday at lunch time . IM just worrying now , especially as i didn't wipe over my razor and used it today .

25-01-14, 00:11
just when we thought we were in the clear my sons just vommited

25-01-14, 07:23
And how old is your son? There are many reasons why a child will be sick. Is he displaying all the symptoms your wife had?

You need to try and stay calm.

I have a fear of being sick, but if I got the virus I would have to try and rationalise it and think "Ok, well I've got it, but I will be better in 2 days" Your wife is still here isn't she? She's come through it and she's ok.

It's not nice, but it won't kill you. And you can call your GP for advice too.

25-01-14, 08:17
hes five but also have a two year old . Works no overly booked next week so if i do get sick it wont be end of world .

being told i should never have had children and that in a useless father because i fear getting ill is quite unfair though

25-01-14, 11:23
Who told you that you are a useless father? x

25-01-14, 11:53
Hello I have exactly the same fear as you I can so scared of sick bugs. Sometimes if someone has a bug around me I get scared enough that I feel ill and convince myself I have it. Usually you are supposed to catch it within a few days? So if you haven't got it by now you probably won't get it

25-01-14, 12:35
my wife did . She doesn't believe there's anything wrong with me , because we've been together about 9 years and ive never had this issue before .

---------- Post added at 12:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 ----------

looking back I've had anxiety years just never bad enough to think i needed help

---------- Post added at 12:33 ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 ----------

apparently all I've been worried about is myself catching it and not to work .

thing is in the main earner and its immense pressure and ive developed these worries about working etc all because of money . Money and the potential embarresment of being ill in public is the reason in scared of Norovurus in the first place .

i worried about swine flu in a simmilar fashion

---------- Post added at 12:35 ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 ----------

and pinkofire i regularly feel sick with headaches convincing myself its coming . Ive eaten hardly anything this week due to it being at home .

25-01-14, 12:48
"and pinkofire i regularly feel sick with headaches convincing myself its coming . Ive eaten hardly anything this week due to it being at home . "

Constant worry, thus leading to anxiety and 'fight or flight' mode, can cause nausea as a symptom. The more you worry you have D&V your body will begin mimicking the symptoms which are very normal anxiety symptoms, like nausea, bowel movements, flactuance etc.

Also, D&V does not have to be contagious.

25-01-14, 14:28
Hi bigh123, I remember your first posts here, firstly well done for starting CBT, how are you finding it, has it helped? It sounds like your going through a stressful time, try to remember what you have learnt so far through CBT, I know it's hard to do when your in panic mode but do try. Can you phone up your therapist for some advice? Children catch bugs more easily than adults so even though your wife and child have caught the bug it doesn't necessarily mean you will too. Try to stay calm and make sure you look after yourself, eat, drink etc to keep yourself well.

Oh and your not a useless father at all, try not to let that comment get to you, it's a sad thing but many people do not understand anxiety and aren't sympathetic. Often family will become annoyed or frustrated, I've had it too, but you have to remember it's hard for them aswell and they don't mean what they say, it's just frustration with the situation. You can't help having anxiety, it's an illness just as any other. Try to remember that.

25-01-14, 15:57
yeah the cbt helped certainly , sadly though i discovered you only get 4 sessions then have to wait 12 weeks to see them again if i need to . They did actually give me 6 sessions tbf , but the way in acting at the moment i feel i need to see the dr as its clear i need more than cbt

25-01-14, 17:27
You may not need more than CBT, but maybe exposure therapy could be beneficial or another course of CBT. You seem to have reacted well to the CBT and need a top up or refresher.

26-01-14, 21:15
yeah i felt the cbt helped , but this weeks really put me back - hence why im back here basically trying to get reassurance that really cant be given .

26-01-14, 22:49
We can give you reassurance but you have to take it on board. We're all saying the same thing after all :)

26-01-14, 23:17
as soon as they sort out a vaccine against Norovurus ill be back to normal!

27-01-14, 11:10
today in at work feeling headachey and yukky. Going to phone Drs as i cant carry on like this . Ive just seen my wifes taken my daughter to a soft play centre and all i can think of is the germs

28-01-14, 08:25
and just when i thought it was over my daughters been up all night . Again i got told im selfish because i couldn't cuddle her , did my best to help with bucket duties , she also slept next to us . So although I've spent a whole week like a bleach ninja i fear im next

28-01-14, 12:27
If you're going to get it, you're going to get it. Try not to worry too much. You seem to have done everything possible to keep clear of it.

If you do get sick, you'll have your family around to help you. Let nature take it's course and you'll recover.

28-01-14, 12:48
and just when i thought it was over my daughters been up all night . Again i got told im selfish because i couldn't cuddle her , did my best to help with bucket duties , she also slept next to us . So although I've spent a whole week like a bleach ninja i fear im next

I understand not wanting to get sick but when the fear gets to the point where you can't comfort your child? :( I'd take the virus two times over to prevent or take it away from my child when they were small and even now as adults. I remember staying up many a night walking back and forth with a sick child in my arms trying to comfort and make them feel better. It's what a parent does IMO. I hope you can overcome this.

Positive thoughts

28-01-14, 12:52
its all because i fear getting ill and upsetting work . Im the main earner and my thoughts spiral from getting sick to loosing my job .
i hate the fact i couldn't cuddle her . Id die for my kids i really would , yet i cant bear to witness sickness

28-01-14, 13:13

I was in pre-med in college. I worked with a pediatrician as part of my studies and like, you, I hated to see sickness, especially in children. I watched a baby get sick and eventually pass from cancer. It was that experience that made me decide to not pursue medicine. Much to my parents disappointment, I went into music which has been my career both performing and in the CD/DVD manufacturing industry. I truly understand the aversion to sickness. However, it wasn't the fear of being sick. It was the horrible feeling of seeing others suffering and feeling helpless to help.

I recently got very ill. the big "c". And guess what? Work didn't matter. If I lost my job, I lost my job. My life is more important than a job. Worst case is I'd be well and unemployed. Fortunately I'm well and back to work. People get sick and people miss work because of illness. I'm sure others will get sick and miss work. That's life ;) If you get sick, you get sick. It is what it is. You could do every preventative measure to the point of staying in a motel away from your home, touch a door knob or some other simple thing and get sick. That's life.

Positive thoughts

28-01-14, 13:14
Totally understand how you're feeling as I too have a vomiting phobia. This won't cure the problem but might help by making you feel protected until you get help.


I use their hand foam and surface spray, it takes away a lot of the worry. There's a good discount on it at the moment

28-01-14, 13:51
Yes, I also have a horror of norovirus or other stomach/D&V bugs. Always have had, though it's worse now after I got one last year that kind of screwed up my digestion for a while (IBS). As soon as I hear that someone is sick with that kind of bug, a couple of hours later I'm convinced I feel nauseous. We went to a friend's house at new year and one of the other guests announced he'd had a dodgy tummy for a couple of days and I nearly cried. I was fine, though. And the last time I did have a bug like that, my other half didn't catch it, so it's definitely not inevitable! In fact, I remember having norovirus when I was still living with my parents and they both escaped!

28-01-14, 14:28
its all i seem to focus on day in day out , the cbt helped in as far as ill go out and start almost risk assesing, but because its at home i feel like im running from it , albeit with flash with bleach

ive washed my hands to the point they are split and bleeding

28-01-14, 15:26
its all i seem to focus on day in day out , the cbt helped in as far as ill go out and start almost risk assesing, but because its at home i feel like im running from it , albeit with flash with bleach

ive washed my hands to the point they are split and bleeding

Do you think this is a hint, to you, that you need to ask for doctor for more CBT sessions?

28-01-14, 15:34
Drs ringing me back tommorow