View Full Version : Missed period and spotting, is it related to lymph nodes?

24-01-14, 13:31
I've been through a lot of anxiety since my collarbone and armpit lymph node enlargement, and now I'm realized that it's been a week that I have brown spotting and now period :( I cannot take it anymore, I've never experienced even delayed period. I'm scared that there is a genital cancer that has already spread to my collarbone lymph nodes. :(
and there's is one more thing in the past five six months I'm suddenly became allergic to coffee, even instant and light ones.

24-01-14, 14:02
Anxiety & stress can have all kinds of effects on your period. Plus, a woman's cycle is never the exact same all the way through her life, it will constantly change depending on various different factors. This doesn't sound like anything to worry about to me, but obviously your doctor is the best person to ask.

I'm not sure what you mean by allergic to caffeine? You know caffeine is not very good to drink when you're suffering from anxiety, it will stimulate your already sensitive nervous system which is the last thing when you're trying to deal with mental health problems.

Have you gotten any help with your anxiety, like spoken to your GP or thought about CBT?

24-01-14, 14:16
Well if I drink coffee even a little, I get serious heart beats, and shaking even twitching. I've thought about CBT but every time I tell myself that after I solve this health issue I go to a therapist, but as soon as a symptom vanishes another one rises! In the past year I've experienced many things, they are all real symptoms :( I never imagined them, I had tingling, I had twitching, I had ill-defined breast lump, I had enlarged lymph node in peculiar places! blood in stool, heart beat, lightheadness and etc, my gp wont listen to me anymore at first he gave me placebo vitamins and minerals, I go to specialists by myself since then.

24-01-14, 14:32
The fast heart beats, shaking and twitching are the totally normal effects of caffeine on the body. You're probably feeling it a lot more now because you've been so anxious and stressed for a long time. That will stress out your nervous system so that it's easier for caffeine to have an effect on it. It would be a good idea to cut it out for the time being.

Don't mistake health anxiety to mean that you imagine your symptoms. Many sufferers experience very real symptoms brought on by stress, normal illnesses or normal body processes. HA comes in when you worry excessively, irrationally and obsessively about these things - constantly looking for reassurance about them, expecting the worst case scenario, and not believing their doctors or test results.

So, you have experienced some real problems, but the difficulty is how much you worry about it and the high state of anxiety you find yourself in. A non-anxious person wouldn't react that way to these things.

It would be really helpful to you to go to CBT, it will help you cope with all of this stuff and learn to control those irrational thoughts. Don't wait until you've solved your symptoms, just do it as soon as you can.

24-01-14, 18:09
I have experienced this in the past and it was down to anxiety and also in my case a long haul flight which I think upset my hormone balance that month. If you are highly stressed at the time of ovulation two weeks before your period is due then you might not ovulate and that can cause the symptoms you are having.

---------- Post added at 18:09 ---------- Previous post was at 18:08 ----------

Also, no chance you are pregnant?

24-01-14, 20:34
Thank you Honeylove I appriciate your response it has calmed me down a lot, I think that its the time that I should really go for CBT.
Cattia, yes I was in a lot of stress duo to my swollen lymph nodes which was exactly the time of ovulation - but I've been in similar stress before - which was caused bu anxiety and that never happened before. In the past months my cycles has changed from 30 days to 35 days. but this time I skipped it.
No I am not sexually active.