View Full Version : Really scared bad morning

24-01-14, 14:51
Ok guys I don't know what to do right now I woke up and I'm seriously shaking and almost in tears.

I can't catch my breath ad it feels like I'm on the verge of passing out or worse having a cardiac arrest I'm really scared right now I don want to die and I'm scared that this time it's not anxiety I think they missed something or ignored it on my leg and event monitor and my heart is giving out

24-01-14, 14:55
Hi Ryan, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad :(

Have you eaten anything? If not, this could very well be low blood sugar sparking off lots of anxiety. Try having some fruit juice and something to eat as soon as you can. If you're feeling nauseous try to eat something that will go down really easily like a banana or yoghurt or a soft cereal.

24-01-14, 15:30
Ryan, I wake up like this every morning. It's hell, I know. Just remember, your cortisol levels are at their highest in the morning, and wil make u feel highly strung and terrible if youre on edge anyway. My dr did a 9am cortisol blood test on me last week and the range is 65-635 and mine was 708!!!!!!!!!!!! am so scared!!! I hate feeling like this too, but be assured, it's a horrible anxiety attack/state, but u will be ok xxxxx

ps. my heart rate is 90-120 on average.. so knowhow u feel. And I get really bad palpitations (5000 in one day on a monitor once!) x