View Full Version : I don't even know if this is a real phobia..

24-01-14, 18:01
I don't like aliens and stupidly I watched some horror films about them. Since then I have had a bad fear of being abducted in the night. Its not been every night but when it happens I can't stop thinking about it and I have a really bad feeling of fear and if I wasn't on medication for anxiety then I probably would have full blown panics but I'm able to calm myself down after a bit and I think my medication helps with that.

Just want to know if anyone else has this and is it a real phobia?

24-01-14, 18:20
I've had this since I was 7 or 8, I guess it is a phobia. I use to have nightmares constantly of different things related to them. It isn't as bad now but I do get a little anxious from time to time.

But yeah, your not alone :)

24-01-14, 18:42
I'm glad I'm not alone :) I've always had a fear of aliens in general but not about being abducted before.

12-02-14, 12:03
If you are afraid of anything to the point it is causing you severe anxiety and interfering with your life then it is definitely a real phobia. The good news is that phobias are relatively straightforward to treat - the best way is through cognitive behaviour therapy. It involves teaching you techniques to deal with the thoughts when they pop into your head.

Lots of information online


16-02-14, 11:14
I went through a stage when I was younger about being abducted by aliens...

It got the the point that I was worried about anything abduction me

Every kid loves Santa right???? Well when I was a child, i had to sleep in my older sisters bed every Christmas eve..... wait for it..... in case Santa took me and took me to the north pole whrre I had to work as an elf haha..

I laugh about it now but I was generally petrified


04-03-14, 20:48
I'm a bit better now that i don't live alone. I had a weird dream about aliens the other day but I ended up punching it :D felt creeped out for a while after that but its funny now