View Full Version : Scared I have heart problems..

24-01-14, 18:23
Hi I am new here, but I was diagnosed with Anxiety/Depression just about 2 months ago and I can not accept because of how awful I truly feel! My symptoms began just shortly after I had a miscarriage and it just seems I have not gotten any better my symptoms are crazy! I have like no energy most days, I have pain and tingling in my legs and mostly my arms are so heavy, I have had some dizzy spells, I recently had a rooten tooth pulled so I believe my tooth gave me heart disease because other than that I am a very fairly healthy person eat very well and active, but now I cant even get through a workout that is if I have the energy to start working out. There have been some days recently that I have gotten a few good workouts in and then for 2-3 days after I suffer with low energy and more pain! It has gotten better since when it first started, but some things seem like they have gotten worse like just making breakfast for my son and I and making the bed I get tired and need to sit down, walking up 3 flights of stairs of our apartment building get winded and my heart races! I have been to the emergency room and had a ekg, blood tests,chest xray, a quick neuro test, urine test and then made me talk to a crisis nurse and they still just send me on my way with anxiety! My blod pressure was ok they say and my tests were all normal and I have been to my family doctor 3 times she listened to my lungs the last time and that was all she did for me! I have been taking my medication for 2 weeks now and it has seemed to help a little, but I still fear I have to have something wrong with my heart! I also notice I clench my teeth as not so much as I had the tooth pulled! Sorry this is so long, but I am at my wits end I cry so much with impending doom that I will die and my son will be left without a mother at his young age of 4 :( :( I want more tests done, but I am scared of my doctor she is pushy and just yells at me and tells me its just anxiety! I am a 34 years old and the only history of heart attck was my grandfather on my fathers side.

24-01-14, 21:01
Sorry you are having such a bad time. Anxiety and depression can leave you feeling drained and tired. Thete is a great book by Dr Claire Weekes called Self Help for Your Nerves that helped me a lot when I felt very anxious.

It is near impossible that a bad tooth gave you heart disease at 34. It is not brushing your teeth over decades that very, very slightly increases your heart risk.Even if the tooth was infected it's highly unlikely to have caused heart problems. Hope you feel better soon.