View Full Version : breathing

24-01-14, 19:30
hi all
I have been having a good week this week and im very proud of how I have handled some situations :) just wondering if anyone experiences these sensations that I find quite unpleasant. Basically I get this sensation of falling even if im sitting awake in a chair I will feel like im falling then 'jolt' back. I feel like i have to lean on something for support which is difficult in some lessons! Its not nice and I also get this sort of anticipatory feeling in my chest at the moment where sometimes if I focus on my breathing I worry that I cant take a breath! I have been dealing with this sensation well but today it bit back with ferocity and I felt this wave go through me that made it feel difficult to breathe almost as if I had forgotten how to? I think this isnt helped by my woozy weird had sensations like I know it sounds silly but when my head feels weird and I cant breathe one of my intrusive thoughts is what if ive forgotten how to breathe because somethings wrong with my brain? Just wondering if anyone else gets this? I think im partly causing it by holding my tension in my chest! thanks :) x

24-01-14, 19:59
Sounds muscle related to me, I get this when lying down and relaxing at night, I get like a wavey type feeling aswell. it's usually caused by a tense neck though :)

When you focus on your breathing chances are your going to disturb your normal breathing pattern which will cause the woozy feeling, you don't have to be breathing fast to be hyperventilating also.

And if i was you I'd try to find a way to get rid of the tension in your chest, I get tense shoulders and neck because of my jaw problem and as soon as I start to release some of the tension I feel a lot better, a warm bath and massage are best for that :)