View Full Version : Having a bad day

24-01-14, 21:35
It's been a bad week really not just a bad day, Monday was fine but then Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I spent all day in bed. I have been doing well but on Monday night I felt achy in my back and upper right chest area (in hindsight I think I remember pulling something while cleaning on Monday) didn't sleep too well and the pain was worse on Tuesday. Of course at the time I go off on a tangent and the HA kicks in and I think there is a problem with my heart the small part of my brain that is still working rationally at this point tells me not to panic, calm down and everything is fine, it is a strained muscle and anxiety causing the pain.

I had my mirena coil out 2 weeks ago and have definitely noticed a big dip this week, 3 days in bed hasn't been done since November when the fluoxetine was kicking in.

Today I dragged myself out and helped my SIL pack her maternity hospital bag and took some more of my old baby stuff for her - went to the shop after and I had a dizzy attack in Iceland, came home had my propranolol to calm me down. I am still freaking out now as to what it could have been that caused it, my face has gone numb and tingly on one side. I get this when my anxiety / stress levels are high but I always think it is something more and this has now got me in a circle of thinking I am going to have a stroke or it's bells palsy.

I hate feeling like this and just wish it would all go away, sorry for waffling, I just needed to get it down and out of my head
