View Full Version : Traveller's Anxiety

25-01-14, 00:16
I have to go to Mexico for a close friends wedding. I hate traveling to places like this. I have had so much anxiety this week (I leave tomorrow). What if I get sick there, or hurt or even die? I don't want to go to the hospitals there as I feel they would not be sanitary. I also just fear the fact that I will be full of anxiety out there and won't be able to enjoy myself. The anxiety this past week alone has given me stomach aches, fatigue, stiff joints and at times even depersonalization. I'm only going because I HAVE to. Any advice?

25-01-14, 00:31
Any advice?

Don't drink the water and don't drink alcohol as it only increases your anxiety. Last bit of advice? Have an AWESOME time in beautiful "WARM" Mexico at your friends wedding!

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
25-01-14, 00:41
My fear would be getting on the plane in the first place...I can just about manage flying around Europe but no further..which goes to show how we all have different fears in any given situation, without them we would be like those people who skydive or bunjy jump etc, and don't really think about their own mortality, we've just got to learn that a little fear is good and try to curb the excess :scared15:

25-01-14, 00:50
My fear would be getting on the plane in the first place...I can just about manage flying around Europe but no further..which goes to show how we all have different fears in any given situation, without them we would be like those people who skydive or bunjy jump etc, and don't really think about their own mortality, we've just got to learn that a little fear is good and try to curb the excess :scared15:

I got news for ya... Bungy jumping and sky diving aren't on my bucket list and I don't suffer from anxiety ~lol~

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
25-01-14, 00:55