View Full Version : Anxiety. & fear

25-01-14, 00:26
I am SO tired of being anxious. & afraid . I really need to vent & connect with other people who have anxiety & similar experiences. I know everyone is different & have different situations because we 're all individuals , but I just need some contact or feedback. I am alone a lot . Lately I've had some nausea but fairly mild . I know it could be due to ibs which I have & also not eating a lot because I'm trying to lose wt which I need to do. Anyway once this fear subsides , it's replaced by some new fear. My. Problem is that out of anxiety I catastrophize & fear the worst . With the mild nausea , I start thinking ovarian or stomach cancer, with sinus pressure , I start fearing tumor. For every symptom, I FEAR some horrifying illness. My mind is too over active for my own good, but I can't control it. I don't want to live in fear. It sucks the joy out of life . I'm just venting here because I really need to. If anyone is interested in IM or emailing, & has similar needs , I'd be interested in that or any feedback . P.S. If anyone PMs me I don't know how to respond to that. Thank You !

25-01-14, 00:38
I have the same problems as you. At first I went to the Doctor for everything, as I needed to hear him say I was fine. But I would only feel free of worries for a few days until
I thought I had another disease. One time i had a bruise which i was certain was a blood clot, the doctr told me "thats a bruise. Why do you think its a blood clot?" i couldnt answer.... One time i was convinced i had a brain tumor because i head a mild head ache for a week straight. The doctor said exactly this "take some advil and stop googling brain tumor symptoms", magically it went away shortly after. Stay away from google, eat better and exercise. This will make you feel better therefore you will have less aches and pains and that will give you no reason to think you have some terminal illness, exercise and a good diet also help fight anxiety itself. I dont know if this is the best advice but it's how I personally helped myself.

25-01-14, 02:10
Thank You for your response. I am trying to eat better & I try to walk for exercise & am trying to lose wt. I think your advice will definitely help but I also think the anxiety is an issue in itself.

25-01-14, 23:08
There are loads of great sites and books on anxiety. The Anxiety Network is a good site. Claire Weekes - Self Help for your Nerves, and Richard Carlson - Stop Thinking Start Living, are the 2 best ones I have read.

25-01-14, 23:22
I feel exactly the same as you so I can really sympathise. I'm self employed and work from home alone so I have a lot of time to have my brain go into overdrive (which it does) keeping busy will help, try to surround yourself with happy things. Have you spoken to your doctor about your anxiety?

26-01-14, 01:26
Thank You for your response. It's comforting to know I'm not alone in my feelings. Yes I see a psychiatrist & I take Xanax. & see a therapist . It does help but I still do experience some panic episodes.