View Full Version : Raised Red Blood count, any advice appreciated

25-01-14, 00:41
Hi i have got my blood results today and even thou the doctor has said nothing to worry about i have gone away and am getting very anxious, she said my rbc ( red blood count ) was slightly raised and my folate is low which i can take a vitamin for which is fine. Its the rbc that has worried me i went to doc with an aching leg and on getting home to dr google, it says raised rbc can mean your blood is thicker so will clot easier this has now sent me into a panic, anyone put my mind at rest xxx

Catherine S
25-01-14, 00:49
Dr Google is not a great reference point with people with anxiety, but from reading your post I would say that if your doctor had any real worries about you after giving the results, she would have said something or recomended treatment or something. She wouldn't have just told you and then left you to it knowing you would worry about it had it meant anything sinister.

25-01-14, 00:49
If the doctor is not worried then there is no reason at all for you not to worry.

They know what they are doing so trust them.

Catherine S
25-01-14, 00:51
I'm always baffled by how many people ask for a second opinion on here, from people who aren't qualified to diagnose anything, after they've had a positive result from a doctor...what exactly are we expected to say, that your doctor is wrong? :lac:

25-01-14, 00:52
Besides what Nic said, think of it this way.... if you get a cut you'll clot easier ;)

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
25-01-14, 00:53
...and didn't intend that to sound like it did sorry, but you get what I mean hopefully :)

25-01-14, 23:05
Thank you for your replies, yes I get what you mean but unfortunately the anxiety takes over and stops you thinking logically, but yes your right I know that thanks xx