View Full Version : Pain on the top and side of my left eye

25-01-14, 02:51
Right under my top eyelid there's so much pain when I blink or touch it, it's been happening for two days now. The pain has recently just moved to the left side of my left eyeball. Does anyone know what could cause this?

I've also noticed that if I'm in a bright room with bright paint there seems to be small black dots moving around when I look at it, but only when I look at it from the corner of my eye, I've noticed it on the left side more. Should this be something I should worry about? The last time I saw my eye doctor was in September, everything was fine.

25-01-14, 03:19
You know jenn sometimes I think we are one with our symptoms because I have had this pain above the eye on and off for over a week now. It switched eyes. I don't know what it is but I really don't think it's anything to worry about. We all see things in the corner of our eyes. I see floaters in bright lights all the time. This morning when I got up I went into my bathroom which was very bright and I looked into the hallway the light looked like it was pulsating. It freaked me out a bit but luckly right now I'm obsessing about my mouth sore so I'm not focused on my vision hahaha

25-01-14, 10:32
Hello Jenn, I've been getting this quite a lot lately, I have TMJ problems though and i know it can cause the pain you described here, I think the pain when you touch it is a big sign it could be muscular :)

Also, when our muscles are tight in that area, they can cause a little pressure to be put on the optic nerve which can cause visual snow and other eye problems like you desribed.

I still struggle to believe it though!

25-01-14, 20:15
Hello Rose and Luna, thank you both for the responses. I have TMJ problems as well but I'm thinking my eye is irritated. Last week I posted on here about the same eye twitching, I would always touch it to make the twitching stop which is the same area the pain is in. I wonder if maybe something got into it. I looked under the eyelid and it's redder than my other one. I'm using this eye rinse now so hopefully it eases the pain. :)

25-01-14, 20:17
Yeah you may have been rubbing it too much as well, eyes can be quite sensitive :)

I hope you feel better soon :)

25-01-14, 20:56
Thank you!

I'm not sure if it's swollen because I can't tell from looking in the mirror. But when I look through the corner of my left eye I see like a dark spot right at the top, I don't know of it's my eyebrow or what. I don't see it on my right eye. Kind of worries me :(

25-01-14, 21:02
Sometimes if you rub your eye enough a stye can form, which is like a little ball, my mums gets them and I know I've had one once, they can be brought on by stress as well, try not to worry about it, and stop playing with it :)

25-01-14, 21:16
Hmm, I know what you're talking about. But there really doesn't feel like there's a small ball there. But thank you for the reassurance!

25-01-14, 21:24
Maybe you've just irritated it then, see how it is in a couple of days without rubbing, I'm sure it'll be fine :)

Good luck!

26-01-14, 22:24
Thank you!
I've gotten some eye drops from the doctor today, seems to be taking the pain away. :)