View Full Version : Four years of this sick to the back teeth

25-01-14, 03:48

Suffered about four years with this feeling of what's wrong
Just got home from work layed on sofa then bang chest pain , pain under right breast bone shoulder blade , suffered all day with aching eyes on top , and had panic attack "it's a heart attack" shit etc etc , swallowed a lorazepam checked bp and now trying to rationalise it , still got ache below breast bone shoulder aching just feel like crap , no one seems to have answers, thought shall I ring Nhs, ambulance usual stuff , it's no life to live like this , something is not right , now am sat in no mans land with a cup of tea and ranting on here and hoping the pain will go away , sorry to spout off people :shrug

25-01-14, 12:55
You've had this for four years, what does that tell us? The symptoms are not harmful or dangerous and you're still with us :thumbs up:

The more you concentrate on the symptoms the worse they will get. Accept that these symptoms are harmless, keep your mind distracted from the symptoms onto something more productive (like reading, knitting, cooking etc) and eventually they will lessen and go.

26-01-14, 02:27
Hi, thanks for the reply, I do have things wrong with me , back, sinuses, tinnitus :doh: but the chest stuff drives me nuts , constain ache from diagpragm area that spreads
Thanks for the reassurance though :)

30-01-14, 17:41
I've had mine 3 years nothing seems to get better just the same thing day in day out same symptoms has you only I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia last year so suppose that explains mine so why can't I put a lid in it and close this chapter in my life and move on to tbe next instead of dragging it round with me day in day out if only I knew tbe answer to that 1 :wacko: you are seriously from alone x

31-01-14, 03:33
Tonight laid in bed , throbbing stomach pulse and head is doing the same and actually moving , it's causing movement of the pillow, it's never ending , still chest/abdomen pain,I have had to get up again as then it seems to fade, just trapped in this circle ,am not anxious with it just fed up of not getting a normal day as if I go to doctor he will just say anxiety , the more I appear to relax the more throbing pulsing I get :weep:

31-01-14, 03:47
Hey Tech-
Are you on any medication or in any therapy?

I get a lot of the same things you have mentioned. It can feel unbearable at times, but I am on Sertraline now and am seeing incredible improvement!

31-01-14, 03:55
Hi :)
I was on the famous Cit and had some lorazepam for when really struggling, I packed the Cit in a while ago on my own after 18 months as to fair don't think it ever really did anything, have about three lorazepam left as unsure if doctor will let me have anymore , haven't bothered with docs to be honest for a while as just don't seem to get anywhere, hospital appt. for my back keeps getting cancelled and put back by letter and that's been 14 months since first did MRI on my lumbar area, something is not right but even making me doubt myself , not sleeping luckily am off work at min to use up hols but everyday is a dark place at min :shrug:

06-02-14, 02:47
I know how you feel. I had symptoms most of my life, then they got really bad, but was told that it was "just anxiety". I gave up on conventional medicine - did a bunch of research online and changed my diet. Saw a naturopath who is helping me heal from the inside. Have got rid of most of my symptoms finally! I always felt like there was something wrong. I say listen to your body - it's trying to tell you something. THis isn't to say you have something seriously wrong with you, but it's not nothing. Diet probably has a lot to do with it - we are what we eat and the conventional food pyramid is pretty outdated to be honest.

06-02-14, 19:06
Hey - thanks for your message. I can't reply privately to you, but here's what I tried to send you:

Hi Jez,

I've done a lot of things. I think the turning point for me was when I came across the Perfect Health Diet and paleo diets online. When I read their blogs they talked about a lot of the symptoms I was experiencing and they explained how what we eat is making us sick, even things we're told are healthy. I also did a lot of research into gut bacteria and how important that is in how we feel both physically and mentally. Also, after going through several doctors who were hopeless, I found a holistic doctor who supports me and also works with the naturopath I see. These are people who look at all your symptoms as a whole and don't dismiss them as "anxiety". What I've learnt is that "anxiety" isn't an illness all by itself, it's a symptom along with all the other things - the aches and pains, the fatigue, the "not feeling right".

I've since done courses in traditional food, fermented food and meditation. I also now go to yoga. The diet I follow is mainly a paleo type diet - the one that I found particularly helpful was Paul Jamminet's diet - the perfect health diet. THere's a website and a book. I would recommend buying the book as it's very well researched and gives you heaps of info about what you can do to optimise your health. But there are other bloggers/health writers who are great too. Chris Kresser is one (I've got his book too (the Paleo Code) but haven't yet read it), Mark Sissons is another one. The Wellnessmama is another blog I find really helpful.

I hope you find something that speaks to you in all of that! It takes a bit of mind shift to get into it, but when you start making changes and seeing results I'm sure you'll be a convert!

Please feel free to stay in touch and share what you've learnt etc. I love this stuff now that I've learnt about it. It's a shame it's not in the public conscious yet, but I think there is more and more research being done that proving that our diets have a lot to answer for - not that the food industry and drug companies would want us to know that!

06-02-14, 22:03
Hi, See you have been suffering for 4 years with anxiety. I dont want this to sound nasty, your are managing to work, which is a positive. I have suffered for 20 plus years and been unable to work. There is always someone worse if this is any consolation.

07-02-14, 03:01
Yes get your meaning, sorry to hear your struggle