View Full Version : Morning anxiety

25-01-14, 09:43
I've read about this but I need to talk about this.

Every morning without fail I wake up irritable and so incredibly full of anxiety.
I open my eyes and ask myself 'you ok?' Then think NO of course I'm not then I get the familiar feeling of unease in my tummy, I can feel my heart beating, when it really hits I get they feeling over my whole body like a gripping sensation is pulling my skin.

Generally this will get better as today goes on and usually by night time it's gone. My head is feeling quite rational surprisingly, this anxious feeling is over ???the day ahead maybe?

Anxiety sucks

25-01-14, 10:00
I've read about this but I need to talk about this.

Every morning without fail I wake up irritable and so incredibly full of anxiety.
I open my eyes and ask myself 'you ok?' Then think NO of course I'm not then I get the familiar feeling of unease in my tummy, I can feel my heart beating, when it really hits I get they feeling over my whole body like a gripping sensation is pulling my skin.

Generally this will get better as today goes on and usually by night time it's gone. My head is feeling quite rational surprisingly, this anxious feeling is over ???the day ahead maybe?

Anxiety sucksi think most people suffer on here from that dreaded morning anxiety feeling.The only way to fight it is get up and ignore it,it does get easier as time goes by

25-01-14, 10:49
I agree with Mr Andy, I wake up feeling like this every day so I get straight out of bed, make myself something breakfast, get a shower and dressed and if still feeling anxious...out for a walk.

25-01-14, 11:00
Morning anxiety is the absolute worse, i used to retch every morning with it, id dread going to bed as i knew what the morning would bring, i now try to keep busy and distract myself as best i can but my AD's have helped alot x x

25-01-14, 11:12
Your metabolism is low, you need some sugar in you. Get up straight away without lying in your bed and get on with the morning. Be mindful, blabla

25-01-14, 12:54
Your description of the mornings is exactly how I have been for months,....but it is GETTING BETTER! :)

I am on Sertraline which is definitely helping, I am doing CBT and talk therapy, acupuncture, etc.-- but what the others have said above is spot on. Both yesterday and today I have started my day before 530am. Not my desired time for getting up in the morning, but that is when my eyes opened and the adrenaline started pumping- so up I go. (I also am making myself go to bed way earlier than I would like these days so that I get adequate sleep.)

Now- the positives here are that I am starting at 530am-- not 430am, which for two months was when it would start on the dot every, single day. Not easy getting up at that time with a five month old and a four year old to care for the rest of the day!...But, over time (six weeks or so) by early afternoon I would start feeling better, and then evenings would be my best time of day.
I, too, would dread going to bed because I knew what was coming the next morning...., but interestingly enough- when I started telling myself before bed- "Who cares? So, I wake up that way tomorrow. It's not going to change anything I need to do. I will "fake it till I make it." I will get up and put on clothes. I will make breakfast for the kids and do the laundry. Now, granted, I did it with a pounding, racing heart, shaking hands, churning tummy, and jelly legs--- but I did it. And, the mornings are getting better.

AND YOURS CAN TOO!!!!!! :hugs:

25-01-14, 14:55
I get this it's the worst ever and I can relate to the hate going to bed :(

25-01-14, 15:04
Ok so I didn't spring out of bed and eat a nutritious breakfast and crack on, but for the first time this week I did get up, eventually get showered and dressed and did most of my housework, if I'm honest I don't feel any better, the only bonus is that now I haven't got the thought of showering and getting my housework done.

I'm off out tonight and I'm faking looking forward to it to my friends. I don't wanna go, I'm hoping that by this evening I'll be feeling better as this is certainly my best time of day.

This is all in my head. I'm so frustrated with myself, I've never been a morning person but starting off everyday with a sense of impending doom is exhausting.

I'm sacred I'm gonna have to go on some sort of medication x

25-01-14, 15:18
I'm sacred I'm gonna have to go on some sort of medication x
Don't be scared of that the medication helps smooth you out and be a great help

25-01-14, 15:24
That's a great start, WWW! Fake it till you make it!

I also agree with Mr.Andy.....stay open to the many tools available.

25-01-14, 15:27
Faking it is the way forward...if you haven't read "nothing works" do so without delay

25-01-14, 15:30
Faking it is the way forward...if you haven't read "nothing works" do so without delay

Yes, PanchoGoz-- right on! "Nothing Works" and "Hope and Help for Your Nerves" by Dr. Claire Weekes are the two things that lunged me onto the road toward Recovery when I was still in a state of crisis.

25-01-14, 15:41
Hi all! I am just wondering if anyone else experiences this with their anxiety ..after I drag myself out of bed I start to go about my day like get my son and I breakfast take my vitamins and make the bed and then my heart starts to race and I get chest pangs? Scares me so bad because of all of my other symptoms my so called anxiety/depression is causing me! I still believe I have issues with my heart!

25-01-14, 15:46
I will certainly look into reading those. I can't get claire weekes on iBooks though. I'll look on ebay xxx

---------- Post added at 15:46 ---------- Previous post was at 15:44 ----------

Hi all! I am just wondering if anyone else experiences this with their anxiety ..after I drag myself out of bed I start to go about my day like get my son and I breakfast take my vitamins and make the bed and then my heart starts to race and I get chest pangs? Scares me so bad because of all of my other symptoms my so called anxiety/depression is causing me! I still believe I have issues with my heart!

Yes I get this too.

I don't have issues with my heart though, I was sitting still about an hour ago watching my heart beat in my chest through my clothes and listening into it. Xxx

Flat Stanley
28-01-14, 07:53
I am so glad I stumbled on this thread. I thought I must be the only one suffering from this. Makes me feel at least a little better to know that I am not alone.

On a good day my anxiety is gone by 9am and I'll at least be productive at work. On bad days it will keep on going into the afternoon. On really bad days it doesn't stop and just keeps on into the next day.

I have noted with interest that the worse my dreams are the worse the anxiety is when I wake up. Not sure if the anxiety causes bad dreams or vice verse, but I know I don't like either. The crap that my mind comes up with while I am asleep is unbelievable and almost always has no connection to anything real in my life. I regularly get to star in my own little horror movies :weep:

The anxiety that I feel when I wake up is very similar to that which I remember feeling after specific traumatic events in my life. When my father passed away, for example, that dreaded feeling at the point of waking up lasted for about two weeks. Under the circumstances this was understandable. These days the feeling is there for absolutely no logical reason at all. I often wake up feeling like I am under water and fighting to get to the surface to find air. I wake up gasping with my heart thumping in my chest. If it weren't for the fact that I made my peace with my faulty brain chemistry years ago I could easily spend the entire day trying to find some actual circumstance in my life to link my anxiety to. These days I understand that the nature of my GAD is that there is no actual dramatic event or cause to link my anxiety to, so I try not waste my time looking.

WhyWhyWhy, without meaning to sound harsh, and having read some of your other posts, it sounds to me that you do need medication. While I do not doubt the power of CBT and meditation (I practice both) nothing will ever change the fact that my brain chemistry is faulty, and I rely on medication to help keep me on the straight and narrow. Without it I will worry about everything from the price of eggs in China to the colour of the paint on my neighbours car, all of which are an absolute waste of my time when I need to be working in order to provide for my family. Of course, I can only speak for myself, but medication has helped me immensely.

28-01-14, 09:18
Regarding medication, I do believe you're right. I've been offered citalopram before and refused. It terrifies me, incase it makes me worse, and even worse incase it makes me suicidal. If I can do it without meds I'll try my hardest.

I find this whole 'mental health' thing hard, hard to admit especially to my family and friends. My family don't particularly have any sympathy towards it, it would come with a lot of stigma, they'd probably tell me I'm headed for 'the funny farm'

Feeling pretty calm today, I woke up this morning, lay there for a few seconds and it's like I'm checking in with myself and ask myself 'how am I today? Any anxiety?' And I felt it so I lunged out of bed and got in the shower straight away, then I GOOGLED SOME THINGS :blush: ahhhh why did I do that.

Im getting to the point where I'm finding it hard watching certain things on TV, I can't watch anything depressing, I absolutely cannot watch anything scary or anything medical. I'm getting to the point where I'm only feeling ok and secure when I'm in company. However.... I am feeling calmer today but I'm not sure how long it's gonna last, I have to go to work later, and although my job isn't stressful I still get antsy at the thought of going.

Anyway wishing you all well xxx

28-01-14, 10:10
I get terrible morning anxiety. Only this morning I woke up feeling breathless and of course this then set off my heart racing. I have an obsession with my heart. I'm always thinking there is something wrong with it even though I've had an ECG and doctor has listened and said its fine. I try and talk myself out of it, telling myself that it's just anxiety but of course the seed is then set. I get up, get washed and dressed and then usually have to take myself off to lay down and calm myself why my partner gets the children ready for school. My house is very busy in the morning and I find it hard to cope. I do not want to show my anxiety to my children. I them make myself walk to school with my kids and partner. I get back feeling terrible with my heart still banging in my chest. I make myself eat and then go for another lay down on the bed to watch something on tv to take my mind off what's going on. That's where I am now. I usually start to feel a bit more human by lunchtime. I do not understand this as before I got anxiety I was a very together person I would get up get the kids ready for school, breakfast, get ready for work and be out of the door by 8. Now I'm lucky to be in my right mind by lunch. Most mornings I have to talk myself out of calling the doctor or an ambulance. I've quit drinking a while back, cut my cigarettes down to 6 a day intention to quit very soon and not on any medication as I'm scared to take them after reading stories on here about side effects. I won't even take propanalol prescribed. I wish morning anxiety would just do one as I believe I could get better a bit quicker if mornings were easier. I am awaiting cbt but it's taking months on the waiting list.

28-01-14, 10:39
Feeling pretty calm today, I woke up this morning, lay there for a few seconds and it's like I'm checking in with myself and ask myself 'how am I today? Any anxiety?'

Better to wake up and as soon as you can, tell yourself that all is ok and smile. Some days you might wake up anxious and judge it as a bad day straight away creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, so you might as well pretend you are not and you'll feel better anyway.