View Full Version : Can't bring myself to take my medicine

25-01-14, 14:12
Ok hello I'm new and suffer from depression,anxiety and all that good stuff (sarcasm) I was prescribed buspar a month ago and I guess it helps, I'm nowhere as stressed as I used to be and now my doctor prescribed me 20 mg celexa. I told her I am deathly afraid of ssris due to a Zoloft experience I had. Well she told me the was really mild, but I still cannot bring myself to trust her or the pill. It's been two weeks since I got them and have only took it once, and that day I felt just high but zombified, I didn't like it, but I can take that it's just the lucid horrific dreams and the chance of getting a panic attack like I did on Zoloft . And then my mind starts racing with all the what could happen from taki it, Oh I hate this. I have to figure out something because I might have a job call me and I want to be able to handle it but it's just like. I don't know. I'm so darn confused :(

25-01-14, 14:37
I to ave just been given citalopram I have suffered anxiety panic and ahraphobia for forty years I did take diazpam twenty six years aga they were only 2mg don't think they made me any better as maybe it was not enough but been given them again to take with the citalopram they are10mg I am same I am so afraid to take them heard to much of the side effects but I looked on meds last note and reading how wen they got pass the side effects they were feeling pretty good I did talk to some one off here we now friends on Facebook she had been on them then can off she decided to go back on them she was on here alwhile for support wen she was going through the side effects but within four weeks she was fee.king her old self wen I read her post now she seems to be doing great I spoke to her other day she says she as the odd anxiety or panic but can handle and cope now she says she don't care it she as to take them for life as long as she can live a pretty normal life so I am with you do I do it and suffer for a few weeks or do I carry on for years like this let's keep intoucn like pm wen you decided and we will try and help each other take care x

25-01-14, 14:43
I know how you feel, I was petrified to take any medication for years, but I finally managed to in November and you know what? It wasn't that bad! Being in fear with anxiety is no way to live, you have to ask yourself this, if it was a physical illness would you hesitate to take them? Probably not? I know SSRI's do seem to have quite a few side effects but it's worth going through if it's beneficial in the long run and means you can live a more normal life. Remember, evey drug out there has some form of side effects.

What I will say is 20mg does sound like a high starting dose, I started at 5mg because I was so scared so maybe you could go back and speak with your doctor about starting at a lower dose and slowly working your way up to find the right one? That way the side effects (if any) hopefully won't be as bad and you can take it one day at a time, increasing your dose when you feel ready.

Good luck, I hope things get better for you soon!

25-01-14, 18:32
Yes that is what my intention are mine are only ten but thought about taking half of one a day for a week then up it to three quarter then the full one read on here some one as done it this way and is fine

25-01-14, 18:43
I'm not a doctor, but i'd be surprised if one day of meds brought on panic - things can get worse from first few weeks on meds, but not after one tablet (I think). I suspect the panic was because you're afraid of taking tablets? x