View Full Version : newbie here

25-01-14, 21:45
Hello I'm Daisy
I have been suffering with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. I found this forum whilst looking for information about the effects of citalopram. I found the citalopram users guide post by PsychoPoet very informative and reassuring,as I have only been taking the medication for 3 months. I had a further look round the site and decided to join.
My journey to recovery is in it's infancy, I know that years of depression are going to take a long time to recover from and i think this forum will be an helpful aid, look forward to getting to know some of you.


25-01-14, 21:48
A huge warm :welcome: to NMP.

You'll receive lots of advice here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Check out the articles on the left for advice and post on the forum for support.

Best Wishes

Di x

25-01-14, 22:03
Hi Daisy, Welcome to NMP :)

25-01-14, 22:49
Hi Daisy, I am taking Citilapram are you weighing up your options?

It's a bit of a roller coaster but 5 weeks in I am hoping that things are on the up.

Welcome to nmp btw :)

26-01-14, 09:47
Day 18 of Citalopram. Definitely a roller coaster like Marty says. Some days are hell, but that first week or so I am sure was the worst for everyone

26-01-14, 10:22
Daisy, good to have you on board. You will find this place so helpful and everyone is lovely too. You are part of a huge & helpful family of friends :-)

26-01-14, 16:18
Hi Daisy, I too am on citalopram Welcome aboard...this site makes the journey a little less bumpy! x

26-01-14, 16:24
Thank you for your warm welcomes, :D
I feel like this could be my sanctuary around people who understand where I'm coming from!
The citalopram experience has been a learning curve to say the least, that first week was indeed hell, the headache I had was what I could only describe akin to what I think a frontal lobotomy would feel like!
But hey, I will probably end up going into detail about it on the citalopram forum at some point.
From what I have seen so far this site is a wealth of support and information, it feels pretty cool to be here.....oh yes and I talk a lot :shades:

Cú Chulainn
26-01-14, 22:19
Welcome to NO MORE PANIC
Hope you find it as much help as I have.
I'm on Citalopram also.
You can PM if you need any advice

26-01-14, 23:32
thank you :)

27-01-14, 01:27
Welcome DAISY-CHAINS:D Welcome to NMP!

28-01-14, 21:45
thanks Kezz :)

I've started a program called MindGym as recommended by my doctor cbt online, this is a convenient thing for me to get started on to fit in with my work.

29-01-14, 16:01
Hi Daisy, :welcome:

I'm a newbie too, not been on long. I found the site about a month ago, & have found it a great help, hope you do too.

Best wishes

Strawberrygirl :flowers:

29-01-14, 17:54
Hi Daisy

Welcome :hugs:I'm quite new on here too and am now 6 weeks into my Citalopram journey. I agree the first few weeks are sketchy but fingers crossed they will do their job soon! x

29-01-14, 21:52
Thank you strawberrygirl and fee :flowers:
I feel as if things are starting to settle down gradually for me now at 40mg.
must beware of my inner child's new mojo tho', as I almost told my boss to 'do one' today :whistles: