View Full Version : New here really scared of ovarian cancer

25-01-14, 23:54
A couple of weeks before xmas I was diagnosed with sciatica and given some amitriptyline and a few days before xmas the pain had gone. The pain in my right leg was quite bad before the xmas I noticed some groin/pelvic pain as well but did not really bother cause my leg was hurting so much. After the leg pain went the groin pain stayed some friends said prob just ovulation pain but my period came really light and only here for a couple of days. The pain was still there on and off I could go a couple of days without it and it went from a sharp few second pain to a dull ache which it is mostly at the minute but hangs round longer. I went to the docs and she thinks it is ibs as I have suffered for a few years with this and gave me some peppermint tabs. She asked what I thought it was and I said I had looked it up online and was worrying about ovarian cancer she asked my family history and there is no ovarian or breast cancer and the fact I am only 34 it was unlikely. She felt my stomach and said everything felt ok and to take peppermint tabs for 2 weeks if pain still there come back and she will send me for a scan which will be this monday so monday cant come quick enough. I am terrified this weekend cause my hip is uncomfortable again I have pelvic ache in both sides now and lower backache I have been having indigestion with the peppermint tabs I think!.I saw a story in local paper about 39 year old woman with terminal ovarian cancer which made me weak and sick. Then I found the link between ovarian cancer and sciatica symptoms earlier today and am in bits neglecting my hubby and daughter I just cant stop googling about it none of it is helping and making me feel better.

26-01-14, 00:28
I ovarian cancer is insidious there are usually no symptoms until it spreads to other areas. When you ask Dr. Google they show you the results out of proportion. There was probably like 3 people that had ovarian cancer that thought they had stiaica. I know someone with stiaica and they are often in pain. Your doctor is just sending you for a scan to appease you probably. I also know someone that has ovarian cancer right now and are had no symptoms until it spread to her liver. I know what it's like to spend hours looking online and missing out on life. Sometimes I tell myself what if I live to be 90 and I waste my whole live worried about death, how scary is that? By the way my friend with cancer is in her 60's. Ovarian cancer is very rare at your age. I hope you feel better hugs

26-01-14, 06:04
Thx that does make me feel a bit better I wish I could chill out because I am making my hubby so mad with these thoughts. I seem to be able to talk sense into myself for a bit then something will set me off again. I really need to tell my doc about the anxiety it has been going on 8 years now on and off before the ovarian cancer worry started it was heart attack and I ended up dragging my family down to a&e where they found nothing. Just cant seem to let these worries go and I am starting not to believe the docs how can me and google now better than a trained doc. Yes its very scary that I know one day am gonna look back and wonder why I wasted so many years worrying about these different illnesses thank you for ur reply.

26-01-14, 10:11
Honestly you sound just like me, have a look back at my previous posts.
I too went to the doctors the other day about ovarian cancer and she said the chances were like one in a million, I'm awaiting the results of the blood test as gp thinks it will help me to get better in the long run.
I'm 33 and ovarian cancer is virtually unheard of in our age so my gp said.
Don't google. xx

26-01-14, 10:18
Hi honey, I have had very similar symptoms to you that started just before Christmas, right sided pelvic pain, stabbing, sometimes going down to groin, plus bad lower back pain going into right buttock. I also convinced myself I had OC after Googling and had a horrible Christmas and New Year and didn't make the most of that family time at all, so I know how you feel :(

I have had a pelvic scan and nothing at all was found. Sometimes these symptoms don't have an underlying cause and are 'just there', only to disappear on their own at a later date. Your anxiety is probably magnifying your symptoms and making you feel worse. You are doing absolutely the right thing by getting it checked out but I am sure there is nothing seriously wrong. I'm positive your scan tomorrow will put your mind at rest.

Remember the only stories that make it into newspapers and magazines are the very rare and unusual cases, they don't report on the thousands of people who go for tests and find nothing wrong!

Lin xx

26-01-14, 17:35
I have prolapsed lumbar discs in my back and I get awful groin pain whihc also covers the very bottom of my abdomen and also pubic area. It is same side as I get sciatica down that leg. So back problems can cause groin pain.
My half cousin had ovarian cancer and she had no pain whatsoever but she did have extreme bloating that didn't alter and that was her only symptom.

26-01-14, 23:32
Thx for all the replies I feel alot calmer am glad my doc appt is tomorrow gonna tell her about the anxiety as well as the referral for the pelvic scan. I orignally thought the groin pain was from the sciatica because it came on at the same time.

28-01-14, 09:52
I went to the doctors yesterday she is referring me for a pelvic scan and some blood tests to check my hormone levels. She is also giving me a blood test for ovarian cancer but she made it very clear this was just to reassure me and not because she thinks I have it. Going in for the blood tests tomorrow then when I have had blood tests and scan she wants me to come in for a chat about the anxiety and panic. She did mention it could be pcos.