View Full Version : How can I relax during driving lessons?

26-01-14, 04:23
My mom recently paid for these lessons I am taking, and today was my first one. I was pretty nervous before, because I have the teacher in the car then two other teenagers who are also learning (I sit in the back while they drive too), and it was just bad. I did alright, but there were so many technical things I messed up on, and the guy just made me kind of distracted and nervous. It was my first time on city roads too.

I really wanted to cry afterwards, and it was just awful. I did better than one of the other teenagers that drove, but I am still dreading my next lesson. I am so scared that I won't pass my final test, and as a result, not get my license. My mom paid a lot for this program. and I just don't know :shrug: Driving correctly seems impossible.

Anyone have any words of wisdom, uplifting stories, advice?

26-01-14, 06:57
First of all, I'd ask your Mum if it's possible to get her money back. Perhaps you can make an excuse that you're not well or some other reason you can't carry on driving at present and could you have a refund.

Where I live I don't know of any driving school that carries other learners in the car with them. You should be getting one to one tuition! You also shouldn't be going on busy city roads if you've only just started to learn, you need quiet roads then gradually build up to roads with more traffic and more complex things.

You need to find an instructor that will be patient with nervous drivers.

Having said that, the majority of new drivers are nervous, you'd be unusual if you weren't. You have a ton of metal with an engine and you're responsible for it, to be safe on the road for yourself and others. But don't let that thought put you off.

Driving is a pleasure for me (though sometimes I get annoyed with other road users) and it becomes so much a part of you, you don't even have to think, though you do have to stay alert. To give a simple example, sometimes I think "I must put my indicator on now" only to find I've already done it.

My father told me to "consider everyone else on the road as a maniac" - in other words make sure your responsible for your own safety, don't leave it to others.

Your nervousness will get better as you get more confident.

Best of luck with it - you'll enjoy it once you've passed your test

26-01-14, 07:28
I have heard of these courses, but one on one tuition is SO much better, also, it shouldn't be done on the amount of time to learn. Everyone learns at different paces, that the point of one on one tuition, there is less pressure because you don't have to put in for your test untill YOU feel ready! Also my driving instructor recommended rescue remedy, the sweets are the best you just sick on them during your lesson and it makes you more relaxed!

26-01-14, 10:17
I remember my driving lessons, I used to get very very nervous too. But once the lesson got gong I relaxed and towards the end I was much more attuned to what was going on. I would have hated having other people in the car bit do remember they are probably equally nervous. if you can master this (with an audience) then u will be fine in learning to drive and being confident about it too.
Oh I am also like u in that if I get thro something stressful (which this was for you) I always want to cry as well. I was sooooo nervous as a youngster I do sympathise with you.
Anyway, so what if u messed up on anything? You are learning and learning involves "try try and try again". That's how you learn. The others may observe what you do wrong bit also what you do right!! You are all learning together so the mistakes/doing it right are shared between you.
Did you know the others?
So... Well done for getting out there in the first place and doing something scary.
Second well done on driving along city roads. It ain't easy but you did it.
Keep up the good work!!!!!

01-02-14, 06:51
Thank you so much for your replies!

I really wish that we could get a refund, but I think it's too late for that. I really regret convincing my mom to sign me up for this program, it's kind of ridiculous.

Normally I wouldn't be so concerned about messing up while driving, because it takes time to learn and it was my first time in the car. But the teacher hounded me about it! He just wouldn't shut up. It made me even more nervous, and it made me feel like crap about myself too. I wish I could ask him to be quiet without it coming across as rude!

And I guess that if I fail at the end, then my mom has to pay even more money to reimburse the state. It's stupid!

I am having another lesson this weekend, and I feel a little better about it, but I am still dreading it.

01-02-14, 07:49
I'm kind of so-so on sharing lessons with other learners. If it reduces the cost, you can learn from others' mistakes.

But a heavy teacher is an absolute no-no. Everyone needs someone who is calm and supportive.

01-02-14, 13:47
OK... deep breath first :) I do agree that one on one is a better way to go but being that you're locked in, it is what it is. Try to look at it as a positive as you have two new friends going through the same thing. I bet they're just as nervous!

Now.... this was your "FIRST" lesson. Whether it was a back road or a city street you're going to be nervous. It's only natural. Driving is a skill that requires repetition and just like any new skill you need to learn, it take time as well. Each time you get behind the wheel, it will become more comfortable and easier. All the little technical things you need to learn will start to become second nature and before you know it, you'll start to enjoy having the freedom that driving provides.

Try some relaxation techniques before your lesson to help you relax. "Visualize" yourself driving on an open road, the wind blowing through your hair on a beautiful day. Think of all the great things that driving will provide. And lastly, as Tesser said. Look what you did! You stepped out of your comfort zone and while it was a bit stressful, YOU DID IT! That's a big accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. Give it some time...you'll be fine :)

Positive thoughts