View Full Version : Hiv fear

26-01-14, 09:17
Hi looking for some reassurance . I got a tattoo ten weeks ago in Ireland . And couple of weeks after it I've been getting symptoms of hiv . I've had health anxiety for just over a year now before it was heart attack and brain tumour fears but this is by far the worst I'm at wits end . I got tested 2 days ago but still have to wait a week for results . I've became unbearable to live with n lack concentration at work thinking about it . I really hope result comes back negative then I can focus on beating the anxiety

26-01-14, 11:40
You absolutely can not get HIV from a tatoo. It's impossible. I'm not really sure why you think you can except the lovely internet. You don't have the rapid HIV test in the UK? I got a test a while back the swabbed the inside of my mouth they told me it was negative in 20 mins. Anyway don't worry you can't get HIV from a tatoo.

26-01-14, 18:42
I really hope u are right I'm at wits end having such a bad time in my life due to this thanx for taking time to reply

26-01-14, 21:56
If the needle was clean, which it will have been, you won't have caught anything from the tatoo. It's harder to get hiv in a non-sex way than you might think. The virus doesn't cope outside the body very well, so near impossible that you would get it from a responsible tatoo parlour.

Its another manifestation of your anxiety. If it wasn't hiv, it would have been something else. When my HA was bad, I thought I had a blood clot because I had a red bump behind my knee. Turned out to be a bug bite. Our mind tricks us when we are anxious and daft ideas suddenly become credible.

28-01-14, 15:29
Still waiting on results and anxious as ever .