View Full Version : I really feel like I must be dying :(

26-01-14, 13:56
In June I had a nasty chest infection, followed by a bad cold. I was ill for around six weeks.
Over the summer I was quite well.
In September when I went back to work (I am a teacher) I got a bad cold followed by tonsilitis. I then got another virus, and I got a second round of tonsilitis and also conjunctivitis. That was before Christmas.
Over the Christmas holidays I was ok, then since returning to work I had a cold which has now got worse and turned into sinusitis.
That's eight illnesses since June. I feel very unwell, I don't have a temperate but I feel very exhausted, run down and flu like. My nose is congested, I have had headaches, I feel like I am never going to be well again. I feel like I must have leukamia or lymphoma or something. I am NEVER well. I'm also worried that if it isn't cancer then I must have ME or something. I just have no immune system.
My Dr gave me a form for CBC but I lost it so now I need to call and get another one. To be honest I am terrified of what it's going to show.

26-01-14, 14:15
Hi Cattia.
I had a similar situation around March time, I had horrible cold and flu like symptoms, then when I got over that I had strep throat which then mutated into fully blown tonsilitis! I was feeling rubbish for a good few months and I was so freaked out by it all because I had never really been properly ill with anything before. This is what set off my HA. You think you have lymphoma, I thought I had mouth cancer. Turns out I was just really stressed and run down, which allowed me to get a whole host of rubbish bugs.
I'm sure you're the same, especially with all the cold and flu bugs knocking about!
Feel better. X

26-01-14, 17:58
Maybe your immune system needs a bit of a boost?

26-01-14, 18:14
Hi I'm a teacher too and was ill all over Xmas with laryngitis. 4 weeks later still have a sore throat. Had all my blood tests back and were clear. Think it's the job we are in and the time of year. Also take vit C every day and it hasn't helped! Hope you feel better soon.

26-01-14, 18:31
Thank you so much for all the relies.
I have tried to boost my immune system by taking a strong multi vitamin every day and getting more sleep and also drinking organic juice. However it hasn't helped.
I am worried like crazy about getting the CBC done. I had it in June and it was ok but I've been so ill since then.
I guess I am run down because my job is very full on and I have two young children. I have a lot of work to do, every evening I just get ready for the next day which takes hours and I have no time for myself. I don't see that changing though.

26-01-14, 18:39
I guess I am run down because my job is very full on and I have two young children. I have a lot of work to do, every evening I just get ready for the next day which takes hours and I have no time for myself.

Dang! Anyone would feel run down with a schedule like that and too young ones. Do you have a partner/husband or perhaps a friend or relative that can take the kids occasionally for a few hours so you could get some much needed "me" time?

Positive thoughts

26-01-14, 19:33
Thank you Fishmanpa. My husband also works six days a week so he is tired too. My parents are fantastic but they help us out with childcare while we work so I don't like to ask them for too much more. I have one day off a week and I have ended up looking after my friend's two children as well as mine in the afternoons because she and her husband are going through a relationship breakdown and are going to marriage guidance counselling. It's too much for me, it's my one day off to do things with my kids so I have told her I can only do it for another two weeks then she will need to get something else arranged. I feel bad as she has no family in the area and I do, but at the same time I have the day off to spend with my kids and looking after someone else's is just more work.
Anywhow, didn't mean to rant there. I have started doing creative journaling. I don't have tome every night but when I do it's great. I used to belong to a writer's group and I have arrnanged to join them again for their next meeting in March so that's something to look forward to. I feel like I need to get my CBC done so I can stop worrying what might be causing this and focus on getting better.

26-01-14, 19:50
There you go Cattia you have answered your own question. You are obviously doing too much. I know how difficult that can be with your workload but something will have to give.