View Full Version : Palpable lymph node- sad and depressed

26-01-14, 14:07
I have a small (9mm), palpable node at the back of my head.
I was reading terrible things about lymphoma, and ever since i went into a deep depression. I can barrely eat, I stopped going out with friends. Infact, i can not function at all. I even told my boss i wont be be able to work due to college schedule (obv lie).

I dont have any infection, and just to be sure i was on a course of antibiotics.

I first noticed it 3 mounths ago by accident. It might have been there for ages.

Please tell me if you can feel your neck nodes as well.


26-01-14, 14:53
Yes! I have one under my jaw which has been there for 3years and another on the other side that has been there around 3-4weeks.

Lymphoma started of my Ha but after seeing several doctors and it not getting any bigger - I am starting to settle.

Just wanted you to know your not alone - and actually many people on here can feel there's aswell. :)

26-01-14, 15:26

If you do a search you'll see that nodes are a big one for HA sufferers. Thing is, we all have them. 500-700 to be more precise. They're the "sewer system" of our bodies. At any given time, depending on your body, you more than likely can feel them, especially if your fighting an infection. Many times you can feel them and there's nothing going on. It's just nodes being nodes ;)

1 9mm node is not considered to be suspicious as most nodes are in the 1 + or - cm range. If indeed this was sinister, it would have grown noticeably in three months. Also, poking and prodding it will only cause it to be irritated and swollen.

Positive thoughts

26-01-14, 15:36
I agree my 1 year has one behind his ear that he had since birth. I've made the doctor and the nurse check it 3 times. The last time the doctor said to leave the kid alone and get off the internet!

26-01-14, 19:14
Thanks for the comments.
For some reason my node feels huge, even tho it measures 9mm in ultrasound.
Can any1 else feel nodes that big?

26-01-14, 19:24
If you had an ultrasound and the doctor looked at it I wouldn't give it another thought.

26-01-14, 23:36
Don't worry too much, if you noticed it three months ago and it hasn't changed I'm sure it's fine. I've got one in my jaw that's pretty big and in my neck and been there for years. One behind my ear at the back of my head and some in my groin. Sometimes lymph nodes don't go back down after fighting an infection. I'm sure it's all ok and it's very common, most people can feel some lymph nodes. Had doctors feel mine and all was ok, even had an ultrasound one time for the one on my neck all checked out fine. Take care.