View Full Version : Telephones

19-11-06, 10:40
Okay I am being assessed for Asperger's and I believe I have OCD related to the later, its a consequence of Asperger's being undiagnosed all my life.

My father is obessive compulive (not diagnosed refused to admit he has a problem). He obessive about saving money, not spending money, about what he should eat, not using phones (irony is he gets obessive about not using the free calls on talk plan after 6, so obessesses about anyone making calls before 6pm), not wasting food. He was born in the war and his childhood grew up with rations. I have in affect got the reverse obessession to my father. Like to be in control of what I eat (can eat the same thing again and again, but that's fine I need to be not controlled or I will become stressed that's asperger's more than OCD). However my obessession with making calls, sending text messages is severe enough to be diagnosed as OCD. My bills are averaging bt 150 and 200 quid a month.

I want to stop this, but it will be hard (my phone is my contact with the world and has been since a child my way of socialising and establishing my routine). I am going to get CAB involved about the bills, I plan to go pay as you go and get me landline incoming calls only. I will sign up for free textes online, use messenger and e-mail. Tell people my friends and family to ring me. It sounds severe but I see the only way to fix this is to go cold turkey but with the support of friends and family.

I have got in a lot of trouble and irratated a lot of people, may close friends understand what I am doing, a lot ignore me other's support me and maybe encourage me too much. No bugger contacts me first, or very rarely.

Sue K with 5
19-11-06, 11:05

Just a suggestion but have you thought about going with a cable company and using the talk unlimited service

£17.99 per month unlimited calls 24/7 as long as each call is under 59 mins ( which means you just call someone back on the 58th min ) and cheap mobile calls from your phone.

Should save you a fortune


19-11-06, 15:10
I have cable free calls to landlines evenings and weekends, may upgrade that to 24/7 national and local lines. However I need to cure my addiction and use phones in a 'normal' way. Especially text messages, I confuse people and disturb them (that because I am autistic and I have an unsual style, what is fine for me is disturbing to others they can really get concerned and feel they can't deal with me, which puzzles me, I need to get talking to people who are also autistic for one)