View Full Version : Cyclical breast pain...

26-01-14, 21:10
I've been having some serious pains for about a week now obviously HA has taking over so am 100% sure it's something serious, 2 doctors checked my breast 2month ago after I got the same pain no lumps nothing was found, iV done a big research and cyclical breast pain seems to add up, only problem is iV checked and checked my breast am sure iV found a lump but this lump is what made me get checked out last time but doctors could not find nothing, am worried sick am at doctors in the morning for check up on Meds but I'm so scared to say anything. Anybody had/ has cyclical breast pain only had it in 1 breast???


26-01-14, 23:22
I am having all sorts of breast fears ATM, and I don't seem to be getting many answers. But what I can say is cyclical pain is nothing to worry about. In fact I went to the dry about it and she said its nothing. I only get it in my left breast. She referred me any way because she could see I was worried despite her and numerous experts telling me it's fine. Guess what it was. Although they found a cyst which has scared me so now, but cyclical pain is nothing to worry about. In fact most pain in the breast has nothing to do with cancer x

27-01-14, 07:41
Thanks for the reply, I'm just so worried now as is poked and poked and am sure I can find something and it's very very painful to touch. I'm having to take pain relief just to ease the pain, I want to go and get checked out at the breast clinic but I'm terrified they will find something :(( x