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27-01-14, 02:57
Does anyone know if sinus symptoms can be present WITHOUT INFECTION ? I have many sinus symptoms without infection at all . It's apparently some chronic allergy I can't get rid of according to my dr . Meds do help symptoms somewhat but don't cure allergies . I don't want to let this start getting me into some frenzied panic, so a response would be much appreciated . Thank You!

27-01-14, 04:44
Sure, probably most people with sinus pain don't have infections. Allergies will certainly annoy your sinuses. Did the doctor give you any other suggestions for controlling your symptoms? A neti pot or other nasal irrigation can help, especially if you know when your allergies tend to kick up (like if you're doing stuff outside) and can use it right afterwards.

27-01-14, 07:46
I have constant sinus problems but no infection. Anti histamines may help if it is allergy related.

27-01-14, 11:59
Thank You for responding ! It seems like whatever I've read on this topic keeps mentioning infection. I have read about sinus due to allergies but it keeps bringing up infections & that's not me, because I know there's no infection. My dr confirmed that. I'm going to try neti pot. I've been meaning to.

27-01-14, 12:14
A lot of people find that the neti pots help but I didn't like them. I have a steam inhaler and prefer to use that. Also alternative hot and cold compresses help a lot.

27-01-14, 14:57
Yes, you can definitely have sinus probs without infection. Allergies, changes in temperature, central heating 'drying you out', frequent flying, swimming... I have problems on and off. I use Sterimar saline spray, seems to keep them a bit more 'moist'. Best not to use the ones with decongestant in, though, at least not long term - my GP says they have the opposite effect in the long term.

Oh, the other thing that can apparently cause sinus probs is hormonal changes and so on - some women get sinus probs around the menopause, and during pregnancy, and apparently the pill can cause problems as well. Not sure if it's true but I've read that one of the things the pill (maybe just some kinds of the pill) does is to thicken mucus - the intention is thickening cervical mucus, but it can also thicken nasal mucus, leading to more blocked sinuses. I have a suspicion that might have happened to me as I think mine have been worse since being on the pill (but at the same time, I went on the pill just as the weather started turning cold, so might be completely unrelated!).