View Full Version : Update - virtual hugs most welcome!

27-01-14, 09:43
Hi all,
sorry I have slipped off the radar but as you can imagine I have had a lot to deal with... It is pretty clear that I have been treated illegally but I am still probably facing the sack pretty soon. (Which will be a relief in a lot of ways tbh)

This last week I have had palpitations - due I thnk to the fact that I had a huge meeting coming up which they cancelled at the last minute. They have done this twice. I have emailed to tell them I shall take 'advice' on their treatment of somebody with anxiety. (So - any advice? I never said it was legal advice, that's their assumption!!)

This morning I woke to an email which had been sent at 8.20, badgering me for more details which I'm not in a position to give. So - started Monday with some more palpitations. Grr!!

The big meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday. This isn't to do with sacking, this is the trumped-up disciplinary charge. They have found since they began to investigate that they can't 'get' me for what they had gone for, so now at the formal Hearing the charge is different. I am going to challenge this too, of course.

Anyway , that's more than enough about me. I hope people here are doing ok generally?

I have had lots of positive days and weeks, it's just a bit sh*tty right now.

This too shall pass!


27-01-14, 09:49
Hi there,

Not sure what has happened but good to read you've had lots of positive days and weeks. Wishing you good luck with work xxx

27-01-14, 09:54
Thank you! Very much appreciated. x

27-01-14, 11:49
Hi Gill, I am sorry to hear that things are not going well for you :( Sending you hugs :hugs:

27-01-14, 14:08
So sorry to hear that your battle continues Gill :hugs:

As you know, I am completely aware how stressful and anxiety provoking this is...my quest also continues....

If you have the strength please take all the evidence you have and go to the CAB ;)

I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way :bighug1:
PM me anytime - and when I get a minute and some brain power, I will update you on my situation. Stay positive hun.

Kitti :flowers: xxxx