View Full Version : Sensitive nervous system?

27-01-14, 14:29

I was just wondering if anyone here suffers from a highly sensitive nervous system? The symptoms I experience are:

- anxiety the day after drinking alcohol
- sensitivity to caffeine
- sensitivity to changes in blood sugar
- clothing sensitivity
- general feeling of restlessness and being 'on edge'
- sensitive to SSRIs (increased anxiety)

I'm awaiting the results of a couple of blood tests that I had done recently, but in general, my blood tests have been fine - thyroid, glucose levels, iron etc.

Looking back on things, I started experiencing this sensitivity around 3 years ago, and it has gradually got worse since then. In the past I was drinking a fairly high amount of alcohol (whilst also taking an SSRI) - could this have been to blame for sensitising my nervous system? I've now cut down my alcohol intake considerably - maybe I'm having one drink every week or so.

I guess I'm asking whether anyone has these symptoms, and if so, did this eventually go away, or how are you able to manage it? I found that citalopram worked really well and allowed me to drink coffee again, but led do a number of cognitive and visual side effects that didn't improve even though I'd given it several months.

Thanks :)

27-01-14, 18:19
I think a sensitive nervous system is all part of anxiety. I feel pain more easily and my physio explained that it is because when you are anxious your'e nervous system is always on high alert.

27-01-14, 20:57
Thanks Annie - that does make sense.

Any tips to 'desensitise' it :)

27-01-14, 21:10
Drink lots of chamomile tea :D

26-04-14, 02:36
Drink lots of chamomile tea :D

Does it honestly help long-term, or just in the moment to calm you? >.>; I can't drink that stuff all day, don't LOVE the taste of it. xD

26-04-14, 07:50
Yes, some days I"m on permanent "alert", on others I have (relatively) relaxed periods, but my symptoms are on a hair-trigger. I'm not sure, but I think I've been like this for as long as I can remember, and because most of my family are the same, I don't know if the extreme sensitivity is inherited or learned, or both.

It's hard to treat something that is part of the human condition and a survival mechanism. I'm starting to experiment with ways to cope with the way I am, rather than to try to change myself. It might just be me, but anything that causes an internal struggle will cause my symptoms to appear, which in turn makes me fearful, angry and frustrated. It's a vicious circle.

I've recently learned a couple of things about myself that I didn't know before, and which may, or may not, help me. I actually have very little patience and, until recently, I've always believed that I was a very patient person. The other thing is that I have control/lack of control issues. Not sure if these characteristics contribute towards my "hyper-sensitivity", or are the result of them. Maybe both?

Sorry for the long, rambling post. When I write things down like this, it helps me to clarify what I'm thinking.

And I didn't answer your question properly, Emphyrio. Yes, I have all the same symptoms as you (and some others), except for the clothing sensitivity.

26-04-14, 16:14
This is me definitely. I read this book years ago and identified with it


27-04-14, 07:55
Thank you so much, Oosh, for posting the link. I didn't know that some people just ARE highly sensitive. I feel so relieved; I thought I'd been doing something wrong or had done something to deserve being like this. I've always felt so guilty about over-reacting to things, and all my peculiar behaviour. That's one of the reasons I have worked so hard to try and change myself.

Thank you again xxx

27-04-14, 10:41
I must try chamomile tea.Can't imagine what it must taste like.
Do you have anything with it?

28-04-14, 03:35
- anxiety the day after drinking alcohol? yup
- sensitivity to caffeine? possibly
- sensitivity to changes in blood sugar? again, possibly
- clothing sensitivity? Don't think so
- general feeling of restlessness and being 'on edge'? Yes, alot
- sensitive to SSRIs (increased anxiety)? Yes, amongst other horrible side effects lol

Chamomile tea isn't as rotten as I thought it would be lol. A slightly aquired taste though and it may or may not be relaxing. Put a teaspoon of honey into it, April :)