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View Full Version : Still bleeding 3 weeks after Mirena coil insertion....normal?

27-01-14, 14:57
I had this done over 3 weeks ago under general anthastetic as I also had a hysterocopy to remove some fibroids. I was told I would bleed for about a week. It's not heavy, mostly only when I wipe although I do have to wear a pad as it sometimes drips onto underwear. Last week there was often a decent amount of bright red blood when I wiped. I keep thinking its stopped then it'll start up again. It varies between red, pink and brown old blood. The leaflet says you can have spotting during the first few months and my googling says the same. I did phone the hospital after 2 weeks and they were unconcerned. Does this sound normal? I had this done to stop spotting between periods and now it's worse than ever.....

27-01-14, 14:58
Mirena is hormonal, right? As in, it does release some kind of synthetic hormone? If so I'd say it was pretty normal as your body gets used to the different hormone levels. It's not quite the same thing but I had spotting v similar to what you've described for the whole first month I was on the contraceptive pill and everyone (GP and lots of other people who'd been on it) said it was pretty normal and nothing to worry about. General advice seemed to be that as long as it doesn't get heavier and trails off within the first couple of months it's nothing to worry about. Bloody (pardon the pun) annoying though, isn't it?

28-01-14, 19:48
Hiya, I had the copper coil put in 3year this November and my body has just say started to accept it I was ready to get it taking back out.. Bleeding is very normal wether it's bright red,pink,brown it will ease in time it's just your body adjusting to it aswell


04-02-14, 14:42
the copper coil and merina coil are very different... the copper has no hormones and teh merina works similiar to the mini pill

the copper one ca give heavier periods

my mirena has been in 6 months.... going in it was THE most painful experience EVER, i went home white as a sheet, sweating, shaking and eventualyl passed out for 3 hours...

about 7-10 days cramping... then cramping phasing out as well as the bleeding... i now get spotting, it was spiradic but its calming down now to somewhere near monthly, but its so minimal. i'm hoping periods will disappear completely.

the blood i get is pretty much only when i wipe and it is bright red, i wear pantiliners incase of any spots but thats rare.

i'd say persivere.... i am at 6 months and would say its only jsut started settling down properly and i am finally happy with it!!

any Q's, jsut ask though!!! :):hugs: