View Full Version : Cant cope worrying about test results

27-01-14, 18:52
Convinced I've got ovarian cancer,(see previous posts) had the CA125 blood test last Wednesday, Gp is going to phone me with the results on Thursday morning, and I'm going out of my head with the worry and the waiting. Can't stand it, I even had a dream about it, where I was sitting in the doctors room being told I have ovarian cancer. I can't even escape it in my dreams :((
Feeling so so so scared right now :(

27-01-14, 18:58
I recall your post and your doctor was pretty convinced you were fine but offered the test for reassurance. Sounds like a good doctor to me. Thing is, if she hadn't offered the test, you'd be worrying why she didn't ;)

Positive thoughts

27-01-14, 20:12
I go through the same thing when I have blood work done. I cant relax until I get them. Sometimes my doctor admits he is giving me a blood test to basically shut me up. I'd bet my house and my bank account you do not have ovarian cancer.

30-01-14, 14:59
Results are in!!!
Good news completely normal :)
I'm going to save the doctors voicemail message on my phone lol
The relief is terrific, so much worrying for 18 months for nothing, ooohhhh pass me the wine please :)

30-01-14, 15:24
Results are in!!!
Good news completely normal :)
I'm going to save the doctors voicemail message on my phone lol
The relief is terrific, so much worrying for 18 months for nothing, ooohhhh pass me the wine please :)

Of course they are ;) In the 5 months I've been hanging around, I've yet to see anyone's worst fears come true. Congrats :)

Positive thoughts