View Full Version : More and more terrified by neuro symptoms

27-01-14, 21:14
I keep getting all kinds of flashes and dark spots in my vision. These are worse when I get very stressed or when I exert myself physically, ie when my blood pressure is higher. My eyes are often dry and sore and very light-sensitive. Also have tenderness in my face and head, numb feelings, tinnitus, dizziness, shooting pains or burning/cold feelings mostly in my head, and headaches. These have been going on for a month, and mean that I can't do anything remotely stressful.

I had a normal ophthalmic exam when this started. Docs said it sounded like migraine and I'm waiting on an MRI, but the neurosurgeon hasn't gotten back to me yet with a date. I'm terrified in the meantime. I just want the scan so I know if I should be worried or not. I keep being afraid that raised blood pressure is putting pressure on a swelling aneurysm or something (I had an aneurysm-free headscan in May but it's still not impossible...). I'm really scared I'll end up dead or brain-damaged because of this :-(

28-01-14, 03:33
I know how you feel. Since I had a serious head injury last June, then another smaller head trauma in Sept, my neuro symptoms have been all over the map. And, because of that so has my anxiety about it all.

I've had bouts of tinnitius, major light sensitivity, and smelling things that aren't there. Those mostly come in small bouts. The headaches are almost daily though, and in different spots, with different triggers. Parts of my head on the outside on the scalp will hurt or burn, or the whole top will feel really hot.

I had a CT scan which was clear, and an MRI which showed one small abnormality but according to the neuro nothing significant or cause for my symptoms or concern. Despite that, I still constantly think they missed something, or that something has changed/worsened since then.

I did find out that a lot of the headache and problems in my scalp, are most likely neck-related. And constant stress certainly makes the neck more tense and can put pressure on the nerves in there. It would be worth examining the neck angle as it is fairly easy to treat.

Hopefully you get some answers/relief soon!

31-01-14, 03:54
Thanks! Yeah neck is a possibility; my whole upper torso is pretty sore and stiff in the muscles and has been for a while. The other benign-ish possibility is chronic sinusitis making my eyes dry and my head really sore.

Still having the same problems. My left eye has had a really prominent vein in it and another one underneath it since this started, in the area I get the most vision stuff in. If I close them kind of tightly, that whole corner flashes. I don't know if it was as bad when I went to see the ophthalmologist. And this neurosurgeon I haven't met yet was meant to do a scan on me in August for my large pineal cyst, forgot about it, and still hasn't set a scan date after i contacted his office a month ago. His secretary said she keeps asking him and doesn't know why he hadn't set it, and gave me his email address. But I don't think a pineal cyst would be giving me swollen veins around my eyes.

There are just so many possibilities, many of them bad, and I don't know what to think.