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View Full Version : Snow causing anxiety

27-01-14, 23:57
I am already suffering from severe anxiety and the impending snowstorm has only increased it as I am worrying about my father and our family being hungry.

First, my city is supposed to get 2-6 inches of snow between Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Our car has no heat/defrost. My dad has to go to work at 5 AM when it is still supposed to be snowing. I',m worried about something happening to my dad on the way to work during this snow because he's going to work in the dark with icy roads and no defrost.

Secondly, I found out that the snow is supposed to start tomorrow at 1 PM. We went grocery shopping today thinking that the snow wouldn't start until the evening and that we could go out tomorrow after my dad got home and get food to last until Thursday. Now it looks like we won't be able to go to the grocery store and we're going to run out of food.

I have never been this worried about a snowstorm before. I've been trying to get my mind off of it but I just keep worrying about it.

28-01-14, 00:25

2-6 inches isn't really that bad. This will all pass in a few days and you will all be fine. :)

I live in Kansas and tornadoes make me very nervous....., but I have spent way too many hours fretting over the "What ifs" and we have always been safe and sound in the end.

Where do you live?

28-01-14, 00:29
I live in SE Virginia.

28-01-14, 00:43

2-6" is really nothing to fret about. We got that last week here in NE VA where I'm at. The cold is more of an issue than the snow really. Just have to be sure to dress warm enough. No snow here tomorrow but it's gonna be frigid for sure. The road crews will be out plowing and salting. As long as your Dad dresses really warm and drives carefully, he'll be fine. There's no way you're going run out of food and starve in a couple of days either. Even if the worst happened and you couldn't get to the store for a few days what's gonna happen? Run out of milk? Run low on bread? Pffft... no big deal. I'm sure you have canned goods and boxes of pasta right? You'll be fine ;)

Positive thoughts and stay warm!

28-01-14, 07:53
SJM. Think yourself lucky. I live in England. It doesn't snow a lot here, in fact so far we've had none here this winter - though your polar vortex has sent us lashings of rain and more rain and gales!! South of England is flooded!

If Britain gets the merest hint of snow, one flake falls on the ground in some remote area then the whole country seems to grind to a halt. One inch of snow in London a few years ago and the whole bus service ground to a halt - we're just not prepared for it properly.

You get a lot more snow than we do but you'll have the resources and equipment to keep the roads clear.

I have a mate in Richmond VA and he seems to be able to get around ok even in the worst of the weather.

Try not to worry, I'm sure you'll be ok. Get out and enjoy it, snowball fights and snowmen!